Dear All,

I am looking for some advice on the best type of spatial analysis to use for some soil 
plot data I have. I was initially going to compare variograms but I've been advised 
that they may not be appropriate bacause of the small sample size!

I'm looking at the spatial distribution of soil properties across different vegetation 
types.  I've sampled at three different nested spatial scales and have a total of 11 

Each plot was 60mx60m and contained 108 random sample points. This plot was quatered 
and two of the 30m x 30m cells contained 9 sample points. The two remaining quarters 
were then split into 10m x 10m cells.  6 of the 10m x10m cells contained 9 samples 
each.  Finally, 4 other 10m x 10m cells each containing a 1.5m x 1.5m quadrat was 
created with again 9 sample points within it. This produces a total of 108 randomly 
sampled points (A diagram can be e-mailed if needed).

Is there a way I can characterise the variability at each spatial scale that would 
allow me to compare both between scales for each plot and between the plots?


Jennifer Dickie
Post-graduate Researcher
Department of Geography
University of Leicester
University Road

Tel: 01162525148
Fax: 01162523854

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