Dear listers,

My question is about comparing two value lists mapped onto the same
point pattern: 
We have calculated a kind of economical potential estimate from data
collected for 576 towns from  gravitation modell using linear distances
between towns first, then using the minimum time required to reach one
town from the other via road network. So, we have two values for the
same 576 points which differ from each other with some magnitude and in
spatial distribution, too. We would like to spatially compare two data
to find areas where the two methods gives the most different results. 

Our idea was to calculate a (simple) linear regression for the two
values, and then map the residual values, looking for the continuous sub
areas where residuals are autocorrelated. We are not interested in
estimation,  but in finding the anomaleous places, where one modell
locally significally over- or underestimates the other one. 

I am interested in your opinion about this approach, I would be thankful
to get ideas about probably better (standard?) methods for comparing two
mapped value sets. 

Jozsef Fabian

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