dear all,
i have some bore hole data from iron ore mine. i want to do geostatistical analyis of this deposit. but i want to use this data as developing the model as well as validation the model. i have used 80% data for training and 20% for testing. i have randomly choose training data (80%) and testing data (20%). i have done this process minimum 30 times. i have got kriging map 30 times and got the best result using simulation annealing operation.
but my problem is that it is very time consuming procedure. can anyone help by telling the based easiest way to data division for training and testing.
waiting for reply

Snehamoy Chatterjee
Research Scholar
Dept. of Mining Engineering
IIT Kharagpur-721302
West Bengal, India
Ph No: 03222-281692 (O)
           0342-2754530 (R)

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