jack webster wrote:

I need a good estimator for the Correlogram, under 2nd
stationary condition, and a SPLUS program for
computing it (if there is).
Sincerely: Webster

Jack, you can use the S-Plus function acf() to compute
autocorrelations from one-dimensional data. As you're
on this list, you probably want it for 2-D or 3-D. For those
data you can compute variograms.

In S-Plus, library gstat (free; www.gstat.org) or the S-Plus
SpatialStats module (commercial) are available for
computing sample variograms and modelling variogram

The correlogram can be computed from a variogram by

r(h) = (C0-gamma(h))/C0

with C0 the sill of the variogram and gamma(h) the
semivariance (model) value.

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