Dear list,

Sorry for the delay in sending a summary, just got back to work.

In a previous mail I was asking about the need for more advanced
algorithms in the case one has well structured monitoring networks.
While looking at decision support systems used for radiological
monitoring, I noticed that TINs are used rather than sophisticated
algorithms and estimation uncertainties do not seem to be taken into
account. Reasonably in terms of minimizing health risks, efforts are
focusing on increasing the density of the monitoring network rather than
on improving mapping algorithms. With no surprise, linear interpolators
(i.e. TIN) are thus used to draw radiological maps on an automatic basis
as TIN will show exact levels at the monitoring stations and outliers
are thus so immediately highlighted. 

In the replies I got, Andrew Hunter underlined a number of advantages of
TIN: it minimizes data storage requirements by allowing the density of
triangles to vary over the surface to reflect its variability. The data
structure further allows surface derivatives such as slope and aspect,
or surface normal information to be calculated and stored for each
triangle, edge or node, thereby improving performance of subsequent
surface analysis. However, it requires that samples are located
appropriately - peaks and troughs are sampled at an appropriate
interval, and triangle edges are forced to follow breaklines within the

Drawbacks are that discontinuities across triangle or grid edges will
occur when using most linear interpolation techniques. Also, most exact
interpolators have zero degrees of freedom (dof); hence, estimates of
uncertainty are not possible. 

Maurizio Trevisani further commented on the need to detect "outliers"
which can be enhanced by time series.

Sebastiano Trevisani commented on the use of linear interpolators,
mentioning the use of Natural Neighbours, wondering about the relative
advantages and drawbacks of the method when compared with TIN.

Thanks to all for the feedback.

Best wishes,


Gregoire Dubois (Ph.D.)
JRC - European Commission
IES - Emissions and Health Unit
Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring group
TP 441, Via Fermi 1
21020 Ispra (VA)
Tel. +39 (0)332 78 6360
Fax. +39 (0)332 78 5466
"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the
European Commission."

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