On 11-Apr-05 Glover, Tim wrote:
> Here's a somewhat esoteric question for those of you who've
> had direct contact with the early giants in the field
> (on whose shoulders we now stand):
> What is the correct pronunciation of "kriging"?
> I've heard it CREE-ging, CRIG - ing, CREE-jing, etc. 

Without such direct contact, I think one can nevetheless
answer by appeal to first principles.

"Kriging" was named after Krige, a South African mining engineer.
As such, his name would have been pronounced approximately
Dutch-fashion, where the "g" is a kind of throat-clearing sound,
perhaps most practically approximated for English speech by simply
using the standard hard "g".

The "i", however, would have been between the "i" in "pick"
and the "ee" in "peek", so if we denote this by "î" then
perhaps the best way to pronounce the word would be

  Krîging (with a hard "g"), i.e. between CRIG-ing and CREE-ging

Awaiting the truth from those who really know,
Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 11-Apr-05                                       Time: 15:43:05
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