Can I expand on this further?

In reports, should kriging, kriged, and krige be written with an uppercase
K, or lowercase as shown here?


-----Original Message-----
From: Isobel Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 April 2005 15:07
Cc: AI Geostats mailing list
Subject: [ai-geostats] matter of pronunciation

> Dutch-fashion, where the "g" is a kind of throat-clearing sound,
More like the "ch" in the Scottish loch or like the greek letter chi which
forms the first letter in Christos.

If you want to be pedantic, the technique was not named "kriging" by
Matheron but "krigeage" - a attempt to turn "krige" into a noun. This is
pronounced with a very soft 'g' almost a 'sh' sound.

Most of the other 'foreign' versions use a hard 'g':
krigaggio, krigovanie kriggage (quebecois) and so on.
Almost everyone I know use the short 'i' as in pig.


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