
It is indeed correct that as for simple cokriging, the standardized OCK
requires knowledge of the population means for both primary and
secondary variables, and as I mentioned in my book p. 232 "Provided the
data are representative of the study area, these means can be estimated
from the sample means". Of course, we could also account for the uncertainty
attached to those samples means.. but the same can be said regarding the
uncertainty attached to the parameters of the semivariogram model...

The main reason ordinary kriging is used instead of simple kriging is
its ability to accommodate changes in the mean across the study area
(what I called global trend in my book) through the use of local
search windows. The interesting fact for standardized OCK is that,
even if a global mean is used in the standardization, local means
are still re-estimated within each search window thanks to the
unbiasedness constraint. The main assumption however is that after
rescaling by their global means both primary and secondary variables 
have the same local mean, see Goovaerts (1997, 1998). For me, this
might be the main weakness/limitation of the approach. As always, 
cross-validation is a good way to compare the prediction performances 
of the different estimators.


Pierre Goovaerts
Chief Scientist at BioMedware
516 North State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Voice: (734) 913-1098 (ext. 8)
Fax: (734) 913-2201 

-----Original Message-----
From:   Heuvelink, Gerard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 1/5/2006 4:31 AM
To:     Pierre Goovaerts; Adrián Martínez Vargas; Behrang Kushavand; 
Subject:        RE: [ai-geostats] Traditional OCK or Standardize OCK?
The downside of SOCK (often not mentioned) is that as a minimum requirement one 
must know the difference(s) between the population means (i.e., the means of 
the random functions) of the primary and secondary variables. In practice, one 
rarely knows these and uses the differences between the sample means instead, 
which is incorrect, unless one takes the associated estimation errors into 
account. However, when the BLUE of the differences between population means is 
used and the associated estimation errors are taken into account, then I 
suspect that SOCK boils down to something very close or identical to TOCK. 
Along similar lines, recall that substituting the BLUE of the population mean 
in the simple kriging equations yields a predictor that is identical to the 
ordinary kriging predictor (I think it is in Cressie's book, but in fact it is 
not that difficult to establish this result).

The main (only?) purpose of using ordinary kriging instead of simple kriging is 
that one often does not know the population mean and cannot simply assume that 
it is equal to the sample mean or some other combination of the sample data. 
That is why ordinary kriging is used much more often than simple kriging. It 
puzzles me why so many geostatisticians so easily replace TOCK by SOCK and 
ignore the problem above. It is not the right method to avoid large and many 
negative weights, there are much better ways for that (see discussion of one 
month ago).


Gerard B.M. Heuvelink
Soil Science Centre
Wageningen University and Research Centre
P.O. Box 47
6700 AA Wageningen
The Netherlands

tel +31 317 474628 / 482420

-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Goovaerts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 5 januari 2006 0:20
To: Adrián Martínez Vargas; Behrang Kushavand; ai-geostats@unil.ch
Subject: RE: [ai-geostats] Traditional OCK or Standardize OCK?


The main difference between SOCK and TOCK is that, in the standardized
form, only one unbiasedness constraint is imposed, i.e. the sum of all
primary and secondary data weights is one, while in the traditional
version a separate constraint is applied for each variable, i.e.
sum of primary data weights is one and the sum of secondary data
weights is zero for each secondary variable. The traditional
constraints lead to larger and more frequent negative weights 
for the secondary variables. The difference between SOCK and
TOCK estimates is expected to increase as differences between
the variance of primary and secondary variables increases.
The different types of cokriging are described and compared in the
following paper:
Goovaerts, P. 1998. Ordinary cokriging revisited. 
Mathematical Geology, 30(1): 21-42.     



Pierre Goovaerts
Chief Scientist at BioMedware
516 North State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Voice: (734) 913-1098 (ext. 8)
Fax: (734) 913-2201 

-----Original Message-----
From:   Adrián Martínez Vargas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed 1/4/2006 12:53 PM
To:     Behrang Kushavand; ai-geostats@unil.ch
Subject:        Re: [ai-geostats] Traditional OCK or Standardize OCK?
In the definition of the cross variogram you can see that it is not 
adimentional (depend of units >> Km, %, ppm, etc.), you can avoid  this 
effect using standardize Ordinary Co-Kriging.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Behrang Kushavand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ai-geostats@unil.ch>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 19:55:01 +0330
Subject: [ai-geostats] Traditional OCK or Standardize OCK?

> Dear All,
> Is it true that estimation variance of standardize Ordinary Co-Kriging
> (SOCK) is always equal or smaller than Traditional Ordinary Co-Kriging
> (TOCK)?
> What is the advantage of TOCK to SOCK (I think it is about negative
> weights) and are there any criteria to choice TOCK or SOCK?
> Thanks
> Behrang

Participe en el V Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior
"Universidad 2006". La Habana, Cuba, del 13 al 17 de Febrero del 2006
Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa
Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez 

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