I guess I forgot to send this to the list, so my apologies to Njeri for sending
this twice...

For OK, the Lagrange multiplier is

(1-sum of simple kriging weights) inv(sum(sum(inv(C)))))

See Cressie, p. 123 for a start, but as I recall, Chiles and Delfiner have a
nice section on this as well.

This last term is 1 over the information matrix for estimating a mean.
It gets large with strong correlation (we can't estimate the mean as precisely
due to data redundancy)

The first term is the difference between the simple kriging weights and 1 (i.e.
how "strong" our constraint on summing to 1 is).  The SK weights tend to sum
closer to 1 if the prediction point is close to other data.  So if we predict
close to other data, the error in estimating the global mean matters less.

If we are predicting far from the data, precise estimates of the global mean are
important, if we are close to the data, not so important.

Taken together, the lagrange multiplier helps to measure the portion of our
prediction error that is due to estimating the mean in the first place.

A good description of kriging as a regression and without using multipliers
appeared some time ago (early-mid 90s?) in an article by Stein and Corsten in

Hope this helps


Nicholas N. Nagle, Assistant Professor
University of Colorado
Department of Geography
UCB 260, Guggenheim 110
Boulder, CO 80309-0260
phone: 303-492-4794

Quoting Njeri Wabiri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear list
> Just a newbabie question
> What is the statistical interpretation of the Lagrange multiplier in
> kriging.
> At least I know if its positive we have a high kriging variance and vice
> versa.
> Grateful for a response and a reference
> Njeri
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