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Approximate analysis of variance of spatially autocorrelated regional data
Legendre et al. (1990) Journal of Classification 7: 53-75


Tomas Hlasny wrote:

Dear list,
I `d appreciate your help. I have 2000 randomly distributed point data with spatially autocorrelated attributes. The region is divided into several zones (seamless). I need to evaluate whether the borders between neigboring zones are relevant, i.e. whether there is a significant difference between central values of the attributes in adjacent zones (ANOVA problem, but samples are not independent). Polygonal declustering is good to solve under/over sampled locations problem, but this does not accounts for autocorrelation. Correlation of spatially autocorrelated data has been discussed many times, however I cannot find references on something like ANOVA of autocorrelated data (autocorrelation within groups).
Any help appreciated, maybe also some references to relevant articles.
Thank`s a lot

José Manuel Blanco Moreno

Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta

CW-405 Biological Sciences Bldg.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2E9

Phone: (1) 780 492 3289
Fax: (1) 780 492 9457

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