Hello dear list 
I need to build a model of water velocity in a semi-closed marine media, in 
order to define potential sedimentary environments. An important issue is to 
get an idea of channel length and width. Results will be used to modelling 
sediment in similar conditions using borehole data and geostatistics.
The question is: where to find papers on this subject, where finite elements 
were used to modelling water velocity? 
I’m pretending to use mathlab pdetool…
Best Regards 

Dr. Adrian Martínez Vargas
Especialista en geoestadística (CFSG)
Departamento de Geología
ISMM, Las Coloradas s/n
Moa, Holguín
CP 83329

-----Original Message-----
To: ai-geostats@jrc.it
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 13:35:20 -0400
Subject: Rm: AI-GEOSTATS: Geostatisitc Project

Good Afternoon, 

Thanks for the answer to the questión about trend and direction of 
continuity which has been really useful for understand concept of 

I want to aproach the opportunity to receive assesory to build an  Earth 
Model of a petroleum reservoir that was determined to be two overlapping 
deep water turbidite systems describing how I would approach building a 3D 
integrated model of this reservoir system discussing about the following 

Exploratory data analysis 
Spatial analysis 
Structural and stratigraphic modeling 
Facies modeling 
Property modeling 
Uncertainty analysis
            Preparation for the flow simulator 

The following is a general information  that I have to take into account for 
the contruction of the model: 
 The aerial extent of the entire reservoir system covers about 25 sq. km.   
There are four primary facies (channel, levee, splay, and lobe).  The 
productive facies are the turbidite channels with secondary production 
coming from the breached levee splays systems.  The turbidite systems have 
been prograding and migrating laterally through time.  we have good 3D 
seismic data (although it has an acquisition footprint) capable of resolving 
the gross shape of the system laterally and vertically it is able to resolve 
about 70m of section.  The thickest part of the turbidite system is about 
160m and thinnest parts are about 80m.   The seismic can resolve the key 
faults.  Further, acoustic impedance has been calculated for the seismic 
we have only a few wells (5) each of which has been cored and logged with 
full suites of modern logs.  However, some of the logs (particularly the 
gamma ray logs) seem to contain very high frequencies (they seem noisy).  
All the cores have been described in detail, so the facies descriptions are 
Core analyses have been run on all cores to determine porosity, and 
permeability measurements.  However, one of the cores has an analysis that 
shows anomalously high porosity values for the channel facies. 

I´ll apreciate all cooperation that you can gime me. 


Luis Arcia 
Reservoir Engineer 
Carito Field, Venezuela 

05/23/2007 07:02 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
AsuntoAI-GEOSTATS: trend and direction of continuity

Good Morning 

 I´m interesting in knowing some answer about geostatistic that maybe you 
can help me. I´m working for PDVSA (Venezuela) and my questions are: 

1.        Under what conditions are the mean, mode, and the median the same? 

2.        What is the difference between a trend and a direction of 

I´ll apreciate all cooperation that you can gime me. 


Luis Arcia 
Reservoir Engineer 
Carito Field, Venezuela 

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