Dear list,

I have two maps of two variables (A and B) obtained by kriging
independantly one to the other. I am interested by the map of the C
variable which is the multiplication of A*B. I can so obtained the map
of C by calculating the product A*B at each node of the grid. How can I
obtained the kriging variance map of the C variable? Do you think I can
use the definition of the variance(A*B) = E((AB)²)-(E(AB))² by replacing
E(AB) by the estimation of AB obtained from the two initials maps for
each grid node ? If it isn't true, what solution can I use?

Thanks for your help, sincerely yours, Antoine Marache.

Maître de Conférences
GHYMAC (CDGA) - Université Bordeaux 1
Av. des Facultés
33405 - Talence Cedex

Tél : +33 (0)5 40 00 88 27
Fax : +33 (0)5 40 00 31 13

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