Hi Olumide
  You will find the basic kriging system for Multi-variable Universal 
Co-kriging in our definitive 1987 paper which can be viewed or downloaded from 
the web at:
  Our thought was that interdependent trends would be adequately handled by 
including both trends in the co-kriging system.

Olumide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi -

On page 312 of "Geostatistics: modeling spatial uncertainty" the authors 
Chiles and Delfiner discuss algebraic dependence between drift 
coefficients of a primary and secondary variable, in the simplest case. 
Under what typical conditions can such an assumption about drifts be 
made? In the case of terrain data for example, where the height is the 
primary variable and the slope or gradient the secondary variable. Are 
the drift coefficients of both variables ... erm ... dependent? And why.

Ultimately, I'm trying to work out the cokriging equation for such a 


- Olumide

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