  I tackled a similar problem back in the early 80s on a South-African Pb-Zn 
project where percussion holes had been used to infill a previous diamond 
drilling campaign. The company allowed me to publish the results. The reference 
  Clark, I, 1983: "Reserve estimation -- a geostatistical case study on the 
comparability of drilling methods" in Surface Mining and Quarrying, Inst. Min. 
Metall., London, pp.135- 144
  and a copy can be read or downloaded from my personal web page at:
  http://uk.geocities.com/drisobelclark/resume (follow publications link).
  I also find a variation of cross validation useful where you use the 
"suspect" results as the "actual values" and the more reliable data set to 
provide the estimates. This is useful particularly for highlighting bias 
between the sampling methods. It is discussed in my 1979 APCOM paper "Does 
Geostatistics Work?" but I have used it often right up to the present for 
comparing sampling methods, dates of sampling and so on.
  Hope this helps

"M. Nur Heriawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Dear list,

I am doing the structural analysis for Pb-Zn grade in 3D. In the first step, I 
have used the diamond drill hole (DDH exploration) data. Then I work separately 
using blast hole (BH) data with number of data is much larger than DDH, but BH 
data cover the area much less wider in 3D space compare to DDH data. I would 
like to check the spatial consistency of Pb-Zn grade by statistics and 
variography analysis between DDH and BH. In this case is interesting also to 
discuss about change of support as the BH data have much closer spacing compare 
to DDH data, and BH result sludges/cuttings compare to DDH which result cores 
for assay data. I am performing the analysis for each rocktypes group (domain). 

I will be happy if anyone here in the list could share or suggest me any 
references related to this subject.

Thank you for kind help and attention.

M. Nur Heriawan
Earth Resources Exploration Research Group
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 INDONESIA

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