
First of all a happy 2009 to everyone!

I have a few (beginner?) questions about the neighborhood size (number of 
points) for Kriging, in particular in 3D:

1) Firstly, I would just like to hear some user experiences - what number have 
you used in the past? Was that 3D? What range of numbers would you normally 

2) If I understand correctly, Kriging weights can become negative, but I get 
the impression that normally the large majority of the weights are positive. 
Could I therefore assume that if I use 100 points, then the smallest weights 
are likely to be (much) smaller than 0.01?

3) I understand that (except for simple Kriging), it can be usefull to use a 
larger search neighborhood than the variogram range. What about the opposite, 
if you have relatively dense sampling, and there are many points within, say, 
one tenth of the range?

Many thanks,

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