Younes Fadakar wrote:
Hi there,

This is my first message as a test message checking the usage of the service, 
working with ai-geostats mailing list. I have many questions to ask you too.
To start:
The world of Geostatistics seriously needs a tool to present well to novices and professionals. Current availabilities have many of disadvantages. Some are too old, others not user-friendly and the rest more expensive. 1- GsLib seems powerful but too old (DOS-command line in 2010!)
2- WinGsLib is completely confusing despite of logging and automating! no 
direct input and output!!
3- Variowin is too weak in terms of GUI!
4- mGstat as a Matlab toolbox written too complex not handy program!
5- GeoR as an extention for R makes you to work with R such a command-line 
environment! what a development rather than GsLib!!
Hi Younes,

Being an R user myself (gstat, automap) I would like to comment a little on your problem with command line tools. I think what is most important is that each application has its own best tool to use. When a novice user wants to quickly make some maps, a GUI would probably be the preferred tool. But if you, as in my case, want to interpolate thousands of maps, put them on a webservice and allow user to get those maps from the web, a GUI tool such as ArcGIS is probably not the best option. R is great for these kinds of large analysis. In addition, I'm a Linux user and would not trade my command line for any GUI :). Therefore I believe a GUI is not per definition better than command line. It's just that people are used to GUI nowadays, making command line seem old.

I agree that it takes quite some time to learn R and that it is not a tool suitable for the casual user. A great combo would be a tool that has the flexibility and power of R and the ease of use of e.g. ArcGIS.

Hope you find a solution that suits your particular needs.

6- Isatis is more expensive; for what?!
7- Gs+ is in pain with weak performance of GUI!
8- Geoeas is something funny just to remember DOS graphics!
9- ...
So obviously a serious request remained for more than 20 years without suitable 

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Drs. Paul Hiemstra
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