To avoid that a careless reader who browses ai-geostats archives jumps to your "conclusion" and takes it for granted, I'd like to add to it that although I'm grateful that you initially raised your questions, your conclusions reflect your own position, rather than any of the interesting responses you got.

Younes Fadakar wrote:
Hi all,

This is my last comment on this topic because I got my answer to my question: 
why there is not such a powerful software for geostatistics covering all of our 
discussed features! and ...

I hope this topic and my idea behind that could help the community to 
understand how a fresh and challenging idea cannot be accepted and supported! 
and ...

I had many ideas that now I prefer to keep them for myself. How many 
researchers had to do like me? and ...

Wishing a better world of understanding



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Edzer Pebesma
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