Hi everybody,

I sincerely appreciate all your replies. Now I have gotten some ideas to 
challenge with my large data, although, as a researcher am looking for more and 
To handle large data set for Variography, then Kriging, then Simulations, the 
following researchers kindly shared their experiences with me (and the 
community) so far:
Please do gently with my summaries read the original message if you need.

Roderik said (suggested): 
   1- to identify the distance expected for estimation search area.
   2- to assess how local the variogram analysis should be.
   3- to find whether the spatial continuity is the same anywhere in the region 
or not.
   4- the estimation will be a more local affair.
/// summary: to think primarily about locality and globality of spatial analysis
/// got it and will try.

Ulrich said (suggested): 
   1- to take a (stratified) random sample of your data to reduce the 
computational time for the variography.
   2- to use a local search neighborhood.
/// summary: random selection strategy
am interested in this idea. Since any decreasing in data has dramatically 
positive effects on computation cost (time). 
Is anyone aware of this methodology has been published somewhere?
/// liked it and will try.

Dansaid (suggested): 
   1- working with 200,000 samples is a good challenge.
   2- to investigate if there is a single underlying Gaussian random field model
   3- to find if the data densely sampled with respect to the length scales
   4- the projected process approach (Bayesian / ML) seems as a useful way
   5- it depends on the underlying complexity of the actual spatial variable
   6- clearly any model based method will struggle with 200,000 points!
   7- to do exploratory analysis
   8- to split the data set
   9- to explore whether stationarity was present
   10- to get a feel for the length scales
   11- all likelihood based approaches have significant approximations dealing 
with large data!
/// more complete list of previous suggestions
/// am interested in applying PPA. Thanks a lot for papers' links

Isobel said (suggested):
   1- try moving windows.
   2- to choose a sub-region size
   3- to calculate and graph from the samples in the selection area
   4- to shift half-a-window in one direction
   5- to repeat.
   6- to display all of resulted graphs as a 'map' for each level.
   7- to be able to visually assess stationarity.
   8- to consider modeling.
/// an interesting method.
/// not very familiar with the method, may need to some reading

Anatoly said (suggested):
   1- to subsample data (either source locations or pairs)
   2- to use bootstrap to estimate the uncertainty
   3- to pre-processing before estimation
   4- to cluster data using the samples density estimation.
///summary: try applying bootstrap

I would appreciate it if anybody would send me a link of related article/source 
to his/her suggestions/ideas.

Kind Regards,



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