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Dear Friend,

The Center for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS), New Delhi is engaging in an action research project titled ‘Violence against Women and Girls with Physical Disabilities in India: Understanding the Issues and Promoting Legal Empowerment’. Professor Renu Addlakha is the project director of this two year research-cum-advocacy project being funded by the South Asia Women’s Fund (SAWF). The project has a two-fold agenda:

a. To conduct empirical research on the topic of violence against women and girls with physical disabilities (including sensory disabilities) in India. This work would enter the public domain in the form of presentations at seminars, conferences and publications.

b. To develop a legal literacy training manual for empowerment of girls and women with physical disabilities (including sensory disabilities). This manual would be distributed among NGOs, schools, colleges, corporate and other organisations and institutions engaging with disability issues in different domains of public life in India.

As a first step into this work, we are conducting a needs assessment survey with critical stakeholders in the disability sector to get an idea of their opinion on prevalence and importance of the issue and the need for a legal advocacy tool to empower a vulnerable group of the population to access justice.

Given your engagement in the disability sector, we have no doubt that you would participate in this study and we hope to receive your response.

Thanking you,
CWDS Project Team.

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