
Sankar Netralaya, Chennai has a low vision care centre.  Persons with
low vision are counselled along with demonstration of some magnifying

On 6/16/17, G Kumaresan via Ai <ai@accessindia.inclusivehabitat.in> wrote:
> Hello Aishwarya,
> Thanks for your interest on working for the cause of persons with
> disabilities. Myself G Kumaresan working in Bookshare India part of
> Bookshare International  ( service offering by US department of education,
> office of special education program  ) as outreach and training consultant
> for South India
> Bookshare is An Accessible Online Library for people with print
> disabilities including low vision. Print disabled such as blind, low
> vision, dyslexics, deaf and blind and other categories of persons with
> disabilities who are unable to access the print  and inaccessible
> information. Print disabled can get access to huge number of books related
> to different subjects in both English and Indian vernacular language with
> the format called DAISY Digital Accessible Information SYstem
> Print disabled can register with Bookshare as free member by  sending the
> Name
> Date of birth
> Address
> Contact mobile number
> Email id
> along with scanned of the disability certificate of an individual  with
> print disability to my emai, id kumare...@bookshare.org or to my whatsapp
>  number 09965197112
> I request you all to disseminate among our print disabled community to
> register with Bookshare as free individual member for more details visit
> www.bookshare.org
> The list of few assistive devices available for person with low vision as
> follows
> *  Bookshare online accessible library
> *  Hand held magnifying glasses
> *  Electronic Digital Magnifier
> *  Mouse magnifier
> *  Supernova magnification software  for Windows OS
> *  Built In magnifier  provided in different OS  such as Windows, Linux,
>     Android, iOS  etc..,
> *  Cozy Magnifier App for android smartphone to support low vision
> The above are few devices which known to me.
> We really happy to work with you for the benefit of persons with
> disabilities
> On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Aishwarya Pillai via Ai <
> ai@accessindia.inclusivehabitat.in> wrote:
>> Hi friends,
>> I'm in the process of collecting a data base of low vision service
>> providers in India.  The fields I'm looking out for are Patient care
>> (clinical examination), Training (training on usage of devices such as
>> magnifiers and telescopes) and 'Product development't (development of
>> products such as apps and devices exclusively made for persons with
>> low vision).  I request you to please share with me the names of such
>> providers if you all are aware of one.  Help will be appreciated.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Aishwarya.
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>> Ai mailing list
>> Ai@accessindia.inclusivehabitat.in
>> http://accessindia.inclusivehabitat.in/mailman/listinfo/ai
> --
> with best regards
> G Kumaresan
> Assistive Technology Trainer for Persons with Disabilities
> Chennai
> Ph : 9965197112

G. Vamshi
Mobile: +91 9949349497
Skype: gvamshi81


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