hi friends
I want  some books and articals  related to disability
its urgent
the following is list of books and articals:

Addlakha Renu (ed.). 2013. Disability studies in India: global
discourses, local realities, New Delhi: Rouitledge
Barnes, Colin. and Geof Mercer. 2003. Disability. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Coleman, M. Lerita. 1986. ‘Stigma: An enigma demystified’ in S.
Ainlay, G. Becker, and L. M. Coleman (eds.): A Multidisciplinary view
of stigma (211-234). New York: Plenum.
Davis, J. Lennard. 2006. ‘Introduction’ in Lennard J Davis (ed.): The
disability studies reader (xv-xviii). New York: Routledge.
Gabel, Susan. 2002. ‘Depressed and disabled: Some discursive problems
with mental illnesses’ in Marian Corker and Sally French (eds.):
Disability discourse (38-46). Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Galvin, Rose. 2003. ‘The paradox of disability culture: The need to
combine versus the imperative to let go’, Disability and society, 18
(5): 675-690.
Ghai, Anita. 2001. Marginalization and disability: Experiences from
the Third World’ in M. Priestley (ed.): Disability and the life
course: Global perspective (26-37). Cambridge: Cambridge University
______. 2002. ‘Disabled women: An excluded agenda of Indian feminism’,
Hypatia, 17 (3): 49-66.
______. 2003. (Dis) Embodied form: Issues of disabled women. New
Delhi: Shakti House.
Goffman, E. 1963. Stigma: Some notes on the management of spoiled
identity. Englewood Cliffs-NJ: Prentice Hall.
Haraway, D. 1990. Simians, cyborgs and women. New York: Routledge.
Klasing, Insa. 2007. Disability and social exclusion in rural India.
Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
Linton, Simi. 1998. ‘Disability studies/Not disability studies’,
Disability and society, 13 (4): 525-540.
______. 2006. ‘Reassigning meaning’ in Lennard J Davis (ed.): The
disability studies reader (161-172). New York: Routledge.
Mehrotra, Nilika. 2006. ‘Negotiating gender and disability in rural
Haryana’, Sociological bulletin, 55 (3): 406-426.
Mishra, A. K. and R. Gupta. 2006. ‘Disability index: A measure of
deprivation among disabled’, Economic and political weekly, 41 (38):
Mitra, Sophie. 2006. ‘The capability approach and disability’, Journal
of disability policy studies, 16 (4): 236-247.
Mitra, Sophie. and Usha Sambamoorthi. 2006. ‘Disability estimates in
India’, Economic and political weekly, 41 (38): 4022-4026.
Oliver, M. 1990. The politics of disablement. London: Macmillan Education.
Peters, Susan. 2000. ‘Is there a disability culture? A syncretisation
of three possible world views’, Disability and society, 15 (4):
Shakespeare, Tom. 2000. ‘Disability sexuality: Towards rights and
recognition’, Sexuality and disability, 18 (3): 159-166.
UPIAS. 1976. Fundamental principles of disability, London: Union of
the Physically Impaired Against Segregation.
WHO. 1980. International classification of impairments, disabilities
and handicaps. Geneva: World Health Organization.
WHO. 2001. International classification of functioning, disability and
health. Geneva: World Health Organization.



"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

with best regards


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