Full paper: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09687599.2017.1375900

In many countries, such as Canada, the Netherlands, the Nordic
countries and the United Kingdom, the right to personal assistance for
disabled people has been developed and incorporated into legislation
(Autio and Sjöblom 2014 Autio, Anu and Stina Sjöblom. 2014.
“Vammaislainsäädännön kansainvälinen selvitys. Katsaus tilanteeseen
kuudessa maassa.” [Report on International Disability Legislation.
Review of the Situation in Six Countries] Discussion paper 38/2014,
National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Helsinki, Finland. In
Sweden, the Act Concerning Support and Services to Persons with
Certain Functional Impairments, including the right to personal
assistance, came into force in 1994. The intention was to advance
individual support, self-determination and participation in society
for disabled people with comprehensive support needs (SCS 1993 SCS
(Swedish Code of Statutes). 1993:387. Act concerning Support and
Services to Persons with Certain Functional Impairments. Stockholm:
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Sweden, as well as many other
western countries, is described as an individualistic society where
the importance of individual independence, or autonomy, is stressed.
Accordingly, individuals are expected to be self-sufficient and
welfare rights are ascribed to the individual to promote his or her
autonomy and lessen dependency on families. In spite of this, research
has shown patterns of extensive informal support for older people and
strong norms of family solidarity in Sweden as well as the other
Nordic countries (Daatland and Lowenstein 2005 Daatland, S. O., and
A. Lowenstein. 2005. “Intergenerational Soli- Darity and the Family
Welfare State Balance.” European Journal of Ageing 2: 174–182. Support
needs long served as a basis for conceptualizing disabled people as
passive and dependent (Fine and Glendinning 2005 Fine, Michael, and
Caroline Glendinning. 2005. “Dependence, Independence or
Inter-Dependence? Revisiting the Concepts of ‘Care’ and ‘Dependency’.”
Ageing and Society 25 (04): 601–621. 10.
Read the full paper:
Avinash Shahi
Doctoral student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU
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