Apologies as the topic is not directly related with accessibility and 
disability, but thought it would be useful for many of us.

Are you being tracked on internet? Know how to find out

By Aaditya Narayan

Google knows a lot about you. Why? What does Google gain by tracking the 
activities of its users? Quite simply, Google earns money by doing so.

NEW DELHI: Yes, you are being tracked on internet and several entities are 
keeping dossier on you. It is so common that you must have found that out 
yourself. Google does it all the time and so do your social media sites. While 
this kind of tracking is for commercial purposes such as showing you ads that 
you would be interested in, you can also be tracked by cyber criminals which 
can result in harm or serious breach of privacy.

Google knows your every move on the web
 Google knows a lot about you. Why? What does Google gain by tracking the 
activities of its users? Quite simply, Google earns money by doing so. A large 
part of Google's revenue is based on advertisements and the impressions they 
gain through users. So, the Google way of advertising is quite simply showing 
you advertisements that are tailored to your needs.

So, your Google searches, voice searches, location changes, all are tracked and 
stored by Google so that the advertisements can be as tailored and accurate as 
they can be.

But Google is not the only big corporate that does targeted advertising. 
Targeted advertising is the easiest way for a user to know that his movements 
in the web world are being tracked, but companies still do it because that is 
how integral the cyber space has become to human life.

All get to know about you
 Another basic example of user activity being tracked on the internet is the 
inter-connectivity between different websites. Let's take the example of 
e-commerce and social media. It is easy to notice that as soon as one searches 
for a product on Amazon or Flipkart, various advertisements of similar products 
appear on your Facebook home page.

It would make sense for a user to divulge such information for a tangible 
benefit or reward. But on the internet, allowing yourself to be tracked brings 
you only an advertisement, and you don't have a say in whether you want to see 
that ad or not. So it is important that users take control back and ensure that 
they are suitably protected on the web.

Malicious tracking
 Google keeping a dossier on you is not as dangerous as a cyber criminal 
tracking your moves. It can happen through malware that get installed on your 
computer, your smart TV or even your webcam. Always keep your webcam covered. 
There is malware that can get into your computer or smart device and switch on 
cameras and recorders to access your private activities.

While it's hard to protect your personal information on the internet with 100% 
effectiveness, there are a few easy steps you can take that will make you a lot 
safer. According to Kaspersky Lab, these are certain ways in which you can 
manage your privacy and ensure that you are not tracked on the internet.

Monitoring your outgoing traffic
 1.Click the Windows Start button and type 'cmd' to launch the Command window, 
which will display as a black box with white text reading 'C:\Users\Your 

2.Type 'netstat' next to the prompt and press 'Enter' to generate a list of all 
outgoing data transmissions. The Netstat command works best when you have as 
few applications opened as possible, preferably just one Internet browser. The 
Netstat generates a list of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses that your computer 
is sending information to. Some of these IP address are legitimate and 
correspond to websites or services that you are using.

3.Document each IP address reported by Netstat and launch a Web browser. Enter 
each IP address into your browser's address bar and press 'Enter' to attempt to 
locate where the information is being sent.

Locating stealth apps
 1.Right-click your taskbar and select 'Start Task Manager' to launch your task 
manager, a list of all running processes on your computer.

2.Close all programmes except for one Web browser.

3.Select the 'Processes' tab, then select 'User Name' and browse through the 
list to view all processes running on your computer. Processes that do not 
include your username may be an indication of malicious software running on 
your computer.

Do not personalise Google Ad settings
 But possibly, the most interesting part of protecting yourself on the web 
comes through Google's ad settings page. Google creates a personal profile for 
each of its individual users based on the user's specific interests. It is 
based on this profile that various ads keep following you around the internet. 
Therefore, it important that your 'ad personalisation' option on your Google 
account is left unchecked.

Such problems arise especially when you sign into a specific user account on 
Google Chrome, for ease of internet access across various platforms. But, in 
doing so, you put your own personal information at risk of being misused.

Incognito mode will not help
 There is a myth that browsing in incognito/private mode on your browser would 
solve all these problems. But even this won't completely stop ads. There are 
further measures that must be put in place, including different browser 
add-ons, which let you customize what you're blocking.

Hot Spot Shield hides IP addresses. IP addresses are generally used to link 
data and other information that a website knows about you. For instance, the 
website could get to know your country or city based on your registration 
details on the site. IP addresses are often what law enforcement authorities 
ask internet service providers for during various investigations.

Just log out
 Don't remain logged into your social media accounts all the while. You are 
easy to track if you are always logged into your social media account because 
you are letting the social media company know whatever you do on internet. Once 
you are logged out, your surfing cannot by tracked by your social media 
company. Ditto for email. You can also use special software that block tracking.

In summary, your every move in the cyber space is being tracked by someone or 
the other. It is up to you to ensure that all you security measures are in 
place. Otherwise, it is as simple as you allowing your personal information to 
be misused by a third party.


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