Dear Pradeep, I am chirag and meaning is almost same. The light that
sighted see is nothing but only a medium that acts as interface to
access your goals. The Diwali mela is also a medium  to reach towards
our goals like  showcasing our abilities, attaining happiness and
social belongingness. So, tell the world that though I lost my
eyesight but I got my vision. The vision of living with
dignity,meaningfully and good life.

On 10/15/17, avinash shahi via Ai <> wrote:
> Pradeep Jyoti Gogoi, 24, is not comfortable with his name. The problem
> , he says, is Pradeep means lamp and Jyoti means light, and he is
> completely blind.
> “I do not like people asking my name, which is opposite to the reality
> of my life. It is darkness, not light, that defines me,” he says, as
> he folds a
> colourful paper into a carry bag.
> After a silence of few seconds, he speaks again. “When I tell people
> my name, generally there are no more questions, no further inquiry
> into my life. People
> are left speechless,” says Pradeep, his face pensive. He says he
> suffered from a retinal degenerative disease and lost vision at 15.
> “I cannot blame my parents for giving this name. I was not born blind.
> I read , wrote, played football, saw all colours of life,” says
> Pradeep sitting
> at the end of a large table inside a high-ceiling hall where a multi
> skill vocational training centre is run by The Blind Relief
> Association, a 73-year
> old non-governmental organization in Delhi.
> For Arun Kumar Lohra, 18, who lost sight at 12 , Diwali is the only
> time that reminds him of a life that once was full of light. (Sanchit
> Khanna/HT PHOTO)
> The ground floor of the multi-skill training centre, divided into
> different sections, has hundreds of big plastic baskets filled with
> candles, paper products,
> cloth accessories made by the blind and visually impaired. And they
> are selling like hot cakes at the Diwali Bazaar, one of the city’s
> most famous festival
> markets, organised at the Blind Relief Association’s campus.
> There are about 30 youngsters at the paper products training section,
> both boys and girls, some of them wearing dark glasses; most, like
> Pradeep, fully
> blind, and some partially sighted.
> Diwali, the festival of light, brings a curious mix of memories and
> feelings to the 400 visually impaired people—children and adults—who
> live in the sprawling
> 2-acre campus of The Blind Relief Association, which also runs the JPM
> senior secondary school for the blind and a college that imparts a
> bachelor’s degree
> in special education.
> For Arun Kumar Lohra, 18, who lost sight at 12 , Diwali is the only
> time that reminds him of a life that once was full of light. He says
> he was in the
> fifth class when one day he felt a loss of vision, and within the next
> couple of days went completely blind. “Suddenly, my world turned dark.
> It took me
> a couple of months to come to terms with my blindness. Diwali is one
> day when I wish I could get back my sight. I used to have lots of fun
> with my friends,
> lighting candles, bursting crackers,” says Lohra.
> “It is particularly difficult when you remember it all, the world with
> all its colours,” he says. Lohra who could only study up to Class 5,
> wants to be
> a computer operator.
> Diwali, the festival of light, brings a curious mix of memories and
> feelings to the 400 visually impaired people—children and adults—who
> live in the sprawling
> 2-acre campus of The Blind Relief Association. (Sanchit Khanna/HT PHOTO)
> The campus is full of the stories of blind children and youngsters
> determined to reclaim their lives after the loss of vision that left
> them a world without
> shades, shapes and shadows, a world where the sound and touch are the
> only signs of life.
> Karan Singh, 19, who lost sight when he was 3, says he wants to be a
> Collector. He will be appearing for Class 12 UP Board examination in
> February. He
> has studied through audio CDs and will write examination with the help
> of a writer. Talking of his blindness, he says that he had developed
> poor vision
> in his eyes and his parents took him to a doctor, a quack, at Sitapur.
> “He put some medicine in my eyes and bandaged them. My parents says
> when I opened my eyes, I could not see anything. I had become blind,”
> he says. Talking
> of festival of light , he says , though he cannot see the light, he
> can feel the gaiety and the celebrations. “At times my brother helps
> me light a few
> crackers, I love the rockets,” says Karan, who will be going to his
> native Faizabad for Diwali. “I go alone, asking, touching and feeling
> my way, though
> it is humiliating at times.”
> In fact, not many students—mostly from the underprivileged sections of
> society-- know the real reason for their impaired vision. Ravindra
> Singh Kanwar,
> 19, from Koriya district in Chhattisgarh, says he developed cataract
> at the age of 10 . His parents took him to a doctor in Janakpur
> village . “ Doctor
> told us that I had cataract , which could not be treated because it
> was too late,” says Ravindra, who has studied up to Class 10.
> Vandana Gupta 18, from Vanarasi, does not know how she became blind. “
> My mother told me I became severely ill at 4 and soon lost vision,”
> she says. She
> does not want to go home this Diwali because her father beats up her
> mother, a vegetable vendor and takes her earnings, Vandana says.
> Vandana Gupta 18, from Vanarasi, does not know how she became blind.
> (Sanchit Khanna/HT PHOTO)
> “I want to get some job to help my ageing mother. I feel comfortable
> here in the hostel, “ says Vandana, sitting at the table, filling
> orange wax into
> a cast at the candle making section. Next to her, are several big
> orange candles. “I am happy that the candles I make will light up
> someone’s Diwali.”
> In fact , not just Vandana, the vocational training centre is the
> place where most of the visually impaired feel comfortable. It is the
> place, as Gogoi
> says, where everyone is the same, living the same life. “Before I came
> here, I thought only my world is dark. But here I realised that there
> are thousands
> like me. Here together we fight the darkness and learn to navigate the
> world,” says Gogoi.
> As many as 8.8 million people in India were found to be blind in 2015
> and another 47.7 million people had moderate and severe vision
> impairment, according
> to a study published online in August by The Lancet Global Health
> journal. Worldwide, there are an estimated 36 million blind people.
> India is home to
> almost a quarter of the world’s blind population.
> Experts feel that there is a direct relationship between poverty and
> blindness and in majority of cases blindness is avoidable.
> Beula Christy, head, Dr PRK Prasad Centre for Rehabilitation of Blind
> and Visually Impaired, at LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, says
> that the institute
> conducted a study on 8 lakh visually impaired children in India and
> found that almost 66% of them belonged to underprivileged sections of
> society.
> Beula Christy, head, Dr PRK Prasad Centre for Rehabilitation of Blind
> and Visually Impaired, at LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, says
> that the institute
> conducted a study on 8 lakh visually impaired children in India and
> found that almost 66% of them belonged to underprivileged sections of
> society. (Sanchit
> Khanna/HT PHOTO)
> “Visual impairment is widespread among children born to
> underprivileged woman married at an early age. Preterm children or low
> birth weight children should
> be scanned for eye problems. Early intervention in children with
> vision impairment is key to avoid blindness,” said Christy.
> Talking of employment opportunities, she says, the private sector
> needs to do more. “They are capable of doing anything and everything,
> which is not directly
> related to sight, not many employers from the private sector are
> coming forward to give them jobs,” says Christy.
> Agrees K C Pande, executive secretary, Blind Relief Association: “A
> lot of people approach us wishing to donate food. But what they need
> to understand
> is that our students are not beggars. They are self-respecting and
> talented and what they need are jobs, not food. Many of our students
> have proved themselves
> in various fields,” says Pande. “While hospitality industry has given
> jobs to the deaf, the blind still have to struggle to find
> employment.”
> As we talk, many visitors to the Diwali Mela walk in to see the blind
> at work and marvel at their creativity. It is 5 pm, time for a small
> snack break.
> Before leaving the hall, Pradeep approaches us and says, this time his
> mood upbeat, his body language much more confident. “One day, I shall
> live up to
> my name and spread light like a lamp. I know there are many who have
> attained greatness without the gift of sight. I can do it too.”
> article end
> --
> Avinash Shahi
> Doctoral student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU
> Celebrating International sight day Oct. 12 and World White Cane day Oct 15
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