Hi Vadim,

the Persistent message serializer (part of akka-persistence) tries to resolve the sender reference that is stored together with the Persistent message in the journal. A resolve attempt is made during deserialization which happens during replay.

The stored sender is the top actor and there's a new incarnation on each application run. You can safely ignore this debug output. Should you want that your workers reply to the current incernation of the top actor, use channels and sender resolution <http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3-M2/scala/persistence.html#sender-resolution>. This feature was made exactly for this purpose.


On 04.01.14 18:16, Vadim Bobrov wrote:
Hi Martin,

I am not using channels, just processors and persistent messages. Here is the code

object Main extends App {

val config = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("evsourd")
implicit lazy val system = ActorSystem("evsourd", config)

val top = system.actorOf(Props[TopActor], name = "top")

for(i <- 1 to 10)
top ! i


class TopActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {

var workers = Map.empty[Int, ActorRef]

override def receive = {

case n: Int =>
if(!workers.contains(n % 4))
workers += (n % 4 -> context.actorOf(Props[Worker], name = "worker" + (n % 4)))

   workers(n % 4) ! Persistent(n)



class Worker extends Processor with ActorLogging {

override def processorId = self.path.name

override def receive = {

case Persistent(payload: Int, sequenceNr) =>
log.debug("recovery message " + payload)
log.debug("new message " + payload)



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Martin Krasser

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