Hi there,

Apologies if this question has been asked elsewhere, and if I'm not correct 
in my thought process.  
I was looking around for a ConcurrentMultiMap implementation and came 
across the one in akka after searching.  

The implementation I'm referencing is the following:


The use case I was looking at is as follows:  

(a) If the existing key (K) was present in the map, the (V) would be put 
onto the existing Set of V's associated with the K. 
(b) If the K did not exist in the map a new Set with V as the initial value 
would be added, to the map associated with K.

The .put(K,V) would work concurrently with remove(K), such that V, would 
either be in the 
Set removed by remove(K) (when that method completes); or would be added to 
the map as (b), 
if remove(K) completed before the put(K,V) did. 

Looking at the source of Index.scala, it looks as thought the above use 
case is not satisfied by the implementation.  
Such that there could be (forgive me if I'm wrong here), a slight 
possibility for the put(K,V) 
to neither be added to the map (in an existing or new Set), or be in the 
Set removed by remove(K) 
(when that method completes).  This could be a completely valid for it's 
use case it has been developed for.

For example:

Say Thread t1 runs in put(K,Vy) up to line 52 (completes it) and returns a 
Set such that oldSet is a Set of one V 
(i.e. it is running per the use case in the comment "// Parry for two 
simultaneous putIfAbsent(id,newSet)")

Say Thread t1 is ctx switched (unscheduled by the OS) and Thread t2 is 
scheduled and calls remove(K), which completes, 
and t2 does what it needs on the returned Set (the Vy from t1.put(K,Vy) is 
not in the Set processed by t2).

Thread t1 is once again scheduled and runs.  The oldSet is niether null, or 
empty.  As a result the set is appended 
to with Vy, and the method returns.  However, the Set Vy was appended to is 
neither in the Map (associated with K) due to t2's remove operation, or was 
it in the Set when t2 removed it.
As a result the value, from the put(K,V) goes missing.

The documentation 
specifies that the Add/remove is serialized over the specified key; which 
seems to indicate that
add/remove shouldn't cause a race condition. However, it depends on how 
that is in interpreted.
Therefore, I'm unsure if add/remove for the MultiMap implementation were 
meant to be synchronized with each other 
or not.

A simple test case of the above can be found here: 

I was just wondering if this Race condition in the remove(K), and put(K,V); 
is expected by design
or if perhaps it a valid issue in the implementation, and as a result an 
issue for akka itself, for
the LookupClassification trait in 

Apologies if the above doesn't make sense.


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