       I am trying to look into the EventBus functionality in Akka and I 
started off with looking at the documentation provided. I started with 

I extended the base class as stated in the example and I was able to 
subscribe actors to the EventBus and was able to publish messages to 
various subscribers. 
The issue came in when I passed the reference of the LookupServiceImpl to 
an Actor class via its constructor. 

*All I was trying to achieve is to write an Actor which would publish the 
message it receives to the EventBus Implementation.*

My Actor is the following :

public class EventActor extends UntypedActor {

 private LookupEventBus eventBus;

 public EventActor()



 public EventActor(LookupEventBus eventBus)


this.eventBus = eventBus;





public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

//System.out.println("RegistrationEventActor ::"+message);


if(message instanceof TestEvent)


System.out.println("RegistrationEventActor ::"+message);


/*if(eventBus instanceof LookupBusImpl)





//ActorSelection registrationEventOuboundActor = 




My JUnit Test case is the following :

public void testAkkaLookupBusImpl()


//Subscriber could be on another JVM

final ActorSystem outboundActorSystem = ActorSystem.create(

final ActorRef eventOutboundActor = 

final ActorRef basicOutboundActor = 

                //LookupBusImpl is same as given in the Akka example 

LookupBusImpl lookUpBusEvent = new LookupBusImpl();

lookUpBusEvent.subscribe(eventOutboundActor, "Event");

lookUpBusEvent.subscribe(basicOutboundActor, "Event");


System.out.println("Map Size:"+lookUpBusEvent.mapSize());

 //Event Generation Actor System

final ActorSystem eventGenerationActorSystem = ActorSystem.create(

final ActorRef eventActor = 

 System.out.println("Event Generation Path::"+ eventActor.path());

 final TestEvent test = new TestEvent("Event", "1");



When the eventActor.tell(test,ActorRef.noSender()) is invoked , a message 
is sent to the Actor , but the message is not published to the Subscribers. 
Is there something that I am doing which is not correct ? Or is the 
EventBus not to be combined inside an Actor model ??

Can someone please throw some light on this ?

Thanks in Advance,


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