I should've just looked at the source to begin with, that answered all my 

On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 12:15:35 PM UTC-7, Ryan Tanner wrote:
> Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the use of durable mailboxes.  Here's what 
> I'm trying to accomplish:
> We have a long-running background process on one of our servers (Play 
> Framework) which fetches data from a URL and eventually persists it in 
> Elasticsearch based on other events in the system.  Essentially, it's a 
> side-effect of other requests. We have a Manager actor which creates a 
> Worker actor for each requests.  Right now we're using a 
> TimerBasedThrottler in front of the Manager as a weak form of rate limiting 
> (we don't need strict rate limiting, we just have thousands of requests 
> hitting at once and want to limit the performance hit to the rest of the 
> system).
> Because it can take so long for a single message to get to the front of 
> the queue, we want to persist the mailbox in front of the throttler. 
>  Potentially this mailbox could have tens of thousands of messages.  We 
> aren't concerned about losing any specific message, we just want to be able 
> to recover *most* messages if we have to restart the server (which happens 
> fairly often as we deploy new code).  We also aren't worried about losing 
> in-progress messages if the JVM crashes.
> My thought was that durable mailboxes would give us an easy way to persist 
> this queue, allowing the system to recover the queue when restarted without 
> introducing an external queue or storage layer.  I've got a file-based 
> durable mailbox set up on the throttler and I can see that messages are 
> being persisted to the file system correctly.
> What I don't understand is how recovery works.  Perhaps it's just me but I 
> felt the documentation sort of danced around this point.  Do durable 
> mailboxes have built-in recovery on restart?  Or is that something I need 
> to write?  If I need to write it, is it just a matter of deserializing the 
> file?  I couldn't find anything in the API and the tests in 
> akka-durable-mailboxes are a bit thin and I couldn't find any guidance 
> there either.
> Should I create my own implementation of a file-based durable mailbox 
> which enqueues messages in the file on startup?  How would I know which 
> messages have already been processed?
> Have I completely misunderstood durable mailboxes?
> Thanks

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