
I'm using the settings below for a multi-jvm test. After upgrading to 
I got an error stating that I needed to define the *multinode.max-nodes *
system property.
I added that below and now it works when I run "sbt multi-jvm:test", but I 
can't figure out how to add the setting
so that it is used with "sbt test" as well. Any tips?

>   lazy val multiJvmSettings = SbtMultiJvm.multiJvmSettings ++ Seq(
>     // make sure that MultiJvm test are compiled by the default test 
> compilation
>     compile in MultiJvm <<= (compile in MultiJvm) triggeredBy (compile in 
> Test),
>     // Required system property
>     jvmOptions in MultiJvm += "-Dmultinode.max-nodes=2",
>     // Next line fixes missing source folder in idea project
>     unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test <+= baseDirectory { _ / "src" / 
> "multi-jvm" / "scala" },
>     parallelExecution in Global := false,
>     executeTests in Test <<=
>       (executeTests in Test, executeTests in MultiJvm) map {
>         case ((testResults), (multiJvmResults)) =>
>           val overall =
>             if (testResults.overall.id < multiJvmResults.overall.id) 
> multiJvmResults.overall
>             else testResults.overall
>           Tests.Output(overall,
>             testResults.events ++ multiJvmResults.events,
>             testResults.summaries ++ multiJvmResults.summaries)
>       }
>   )


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