Hello there,

In general always perfer tell (!) instead of ask (?), unless you have a 
compelling reason not to. It has less overhead, and I also find things nicer to 
model using plain actor tell's instead of ask's - which mix up styles a little 
bit (actors in general "fire and forget").

But let's also look at your example, because I think you may have mixed up what 
Future[_] gets completed when. The futures don't automatically get composed, 
but by chanining of reactions to a futures completion, actors can "cascade" 
completing their corresponding futures.

In the bellow example we use ask twice. The a actor completes the fa future, 
but only once the fb future completes successfuly. Completing an "ask created 
Future", happens when an actor replies to the message sent by ask - so in the 
end => b completes the fb future, which then triggers the map in a, which 
completes the fa future.

  import akka.pattern.ask

  val b = context.system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
    def receive = {
      case s => sender() ! s // this response completes the `fb` future

  val a = context.system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
    def receive = {
      case s =>
        val replyTo = sender()

        val fb = b ? (s + "!")
        fb map { bResponse =>
          // this runs when the b actor replies - thus, completing the `fb` 
          replyTo ! bResponse // this completes the `fa` future

  val fa: Future[Any] = a ? "wat" // this future will be completed by the `a` 
actor replying to the "wat" message

Konrad Malawski
geecon.org / java.pl / krakowscala.pl / gdgkrakow.pl

From: glidester glides...@gmail.com
Reply: akka-user@googlegroups.com akka-user@googlegroups.com
Date: 21 March 2014 at 11:49:05
To: akka-user@googlegroups.com akka-user@googlegroups.com
Subject:  [akka-user] Chaining actor ask calls  


I'm in the process of learning Akka and I wondered if anyone could clarify 
something for me.

If I have 2 actors. I 'ask' Actor A which in turn 'asks' Actor B.

This means I get returned a Future from ActorB wrapped in a Future from Actor A 

Is this good practice? Should I be using "tell" instead to avoid the nested 

Any pointers gratefully received!

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