On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Boris Capitanu <bor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Endre,
> My preliminary tests playing with the following settings show no
> improvement (but in some cases even worse performance):
>       send-buffer-size = X
>       server-socket-worker-pool = {
>         pool-size-min = Y
>         pool-size-max = Y
>       }
>       client-socket-worker-pool = {
>         pool-size-min = Z
>         pool-size-max = Z
>       }
> I tried different values for X, Y, Z, such as X = 256000b,  X=512000b,
> X=1024000b... and Y, Z = 4 and 8
> I tried the settings separately, and together... none of the combinations
> I tried improved the performance of what I've been seeing before.
> It looked that whenever I was increasing the value for X, the performance
> was actually getting worse.  While the changes to Y and Z in isolation made
> no observable difference in the timings recorded.
> there is another setting that controls the thread-pool (dispatcher) for
>> the remoting subsystem (this is independent of the netty pools). You should
>> probably increase the size of that as well. The setting is under:
>> "akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher", see
>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.0/scala/remoting.html#
>> Remote_Configuration for the complete configuration.
> I will try that and report back.
>> Since you run everything on localhost fairness issues might dominate the
>> case: some subsystems getting less CPU share since they have less threads
>> to run on, and fairness is enforced by the OS per thread.
> Well... again, the sender and receiver were ran in two separate JVM
> processes, so the subsystems in the two different processes shouldn't be
> competing with each other based on the configuration limits imposed by the
> akka configuration used.  The other problem might be competition for CPU
> time on the machine itself... but if you look at the CPU utilization graphs
> in the profiler, the CPU is also not nearly used at it's max capacity.
> I'll try the dispatcher setting and report back...
> Oh, what I forgot to mention is that none of the hypothesis we explored so
> far seem to explain (in my mind at least) why the later sets of 20K
> messages are being received progressively faster (more sample run outputs
> to see that are available in the README on GitHub).  In a standard
> producer-consumer scenario where the producer is the sender actor (which
> produced 1.6M messages) and the consumer is the akka remoting subsystem
> (which consumes data from that queue to send out over the network), I would
> expect the consumer to behave the same way while draining messages from the
> queue.
> Regarding flow control --- I don't want to get to that yet... I'm not even
> sure how I would know how to detect/trigger flow control. In
> (oversimplified) traditional flow control the receiver detects that it's
> being overwhelmed and informs the sender to rate-limit its output until the
> receiver is capable of processing more messages...etc. In my case the
> receiver actor (the application layer) would gladly consume as much data as
> it gets.... it's not being overwhelmed to the point where it should/could
> be sending a message to the sender to tell it to "slow down".

On simple flow control is to let the producer wait for an ack from the
consumer after let's say 50000 messages. A bit more advanced is to allow a
few unacknowledged batches, so that you always have messages in flight, but
not too much.

> Here's the fun part... I noticed that if I add a "Thread.sleep(5000)" in
> the for loop on the sender side after each 100K messages sent (commented
> out now in the GitHub code) then sending even 1M messages is done at the
> same timings per 20K as I see when I send just 100K messages (without the
> thread.sleep).

yes, that is also a primitive flow control (throttling)

> -Boris
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Patrik Nordwall
Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
Twitter: @patriknw

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