On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 6:27:44 PM UTC+4, √ wrote:
> Well said, Roland.

Being one of removal-affected Akka users, at the moment I have just moved 
to netty.io during a couple of days (custom protocol with ~ dozen 
messages). Knowing main pipeline architecture ideas it was really easy 
migration. So, yes, using not yet mature software (pieces) is my decision, 
and. as a result, it is my responsibility to repair such situation as we 
have with Akka's pipelines.

To my taste any decision to remove something is - averaging - much better 
rather a decision to add something. I know it for sure! :) As a result, I 
haven't got any technical or moral discomfort related with the team 
decision. I hope everybody can share with me this soft point of view.

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