On Sunday, April 20, 2014 4:59:22 PM UTC+2, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Olger Warnier <ol...@spectare.nl<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Hi Patrick, 
>> Sounds like an interesting approach, storing some meta-data at the view 
>> may help to check / show the reliability of the system. 
>> At this moment the events are sent to a processor per node that publishes 
>> the event (distributed pub sub) 
> That sounds good, as well.
>> When you talk about view, that's the akka-persistence view ? 
> Yes, persistence.View and persistence.Processor
>> So more or less, the sub processors could send messages to the View and 
>> when there is a Persist() around it, it will be stored. 
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean here. Let me clarify my proposal 
> with an example. Let's say we have a User aggregate root with some profile 
> information that can be updated. The user is represented by a User 
> EventsourcedProcessor actor, which is sharded. On the query side we want to 
> be able to search users by first and last name, i.e. we want to store all 
> users in a relational database table on the query side.
Yup, great sample.  

> The User actor persist FirstNameChanged, and inside the persist block it 
> sends a Persistent(FirstNameChanged) message to the AllUsers Processor. On 
> the query side we have a AllUsersView connected to that processor. When 
> AllUsersView receives FirstNameChanged it updates the db table.
Indeed. In what way is the AllUsersView connected to that Processor ? (in a 
distributed pub sub situation) (although, I have to understand in what way 
'inside the persist block' is to be interpreted.  

> To handle lost messages between User and AllUsers you might want to send 
> an acknowledgement from AllUsers to User, and have a retry mechanism in 
> User. I would implement that myself in User, but PersistentChannel might be 
> an alternative.
Is it possible todo persistent channels with the distributed pub sub stuff 
that's available in akka ? 

> That is the most straight forward solution. The drawback is that 
> FirstNameChanged is stored twice. Therefore I suggested the meta-data 
> alternative. User sends Persistent(UserChangedNotification(processorId))) 
> to the AllUsers Processor. When AllUsersView receives 
> UserChangedNotification it creates a child actor, a View for the 
> processorId in the UserChangedNotification, if it doesn't already have such 
> a child. That view would replay all events of the User and can update the 
> database table. It must keep track of how far it has replayed/stored in db, 
> i.e. seqNr must be stored in the db. The child View can be stopped when it 
> becomes inactive.
Will that work with a sharded cluster ? (and a 'View' may be running on 
another node)

> That alternative is more complicated, and I'm not sure it is worth it.
>From a solution perspective, using the distributed pub sub, maybe with 
persistent channels is what will do. 

Most of my questions have todo with using akka-persistence as a full 
fledged DDD framework, not too hard without the sharding (although a view 
for every aggregate root instance seems not to fit when you want to use 
that for database connectivity that contains a view model). with the 
sharding it is more complicated and a good structure to actually build a 
view that is on 'some' node listening for events, doing' it's thing is a 
handy part. 


> Cheers,
> Patrik
>> Is that a correct understanding ?
>> Kind regards, 
>> Olger
>> On Sunday, April 20, 2014 2:32:07 PM UTC+2, Patrik Nordwall wrote:
>>> Hi Olger,
>>> What if you keep the sharded event sourced actors (+10k), but let them 
>>> also send the events to one or a few processors. Then you can connect the 
>>> views/streams to these processors.
>>> If you don't like storing the events twice you can instead store some 
>>> meta-data (processor-id, seq-no,timestamp) and have a view that creates 
>>> sub-views on demand from the replayed meta-data. The sub-views would 
>>> forward to the parent aggregated view.
>>> /Patrik
>>> 19 apr 2014 kl. 20:46 skrev Olger Warnier <ol...@spectare.nl>:
>>> Hi Martin, 
>>> Had to think about it a little, hereby my follow up. (hope you don't 
>>> mind the continues discussion, it helps me a lot in defining the right 
>>> approach, thanks for that)
>>> On Saturday, April 19, 2014 7:11:23 AM UTC+2, Martin Krasser wrote:
>>>>  Hi Olger,
>>>> installing 10k views/producers won't scale, at least not with the 
>>>> current implementation. Here are some alternatives:
>>> Intresting, what would need to change to have is scaling ?
>>> (Idea is to have the eventsourcedprocessors reflect a DDD style 
>>> Aggregate Root instance and have those distributed using cluster sharding) 
>>>> - Maybe a custom journal plugin is what you need: a plugin that 
>>>> delegates all write/read requests to the actual journal actor and that 
>>>> additionally updates a database with the events to be written. This 
>>>> essentially installs a single "listener" per ActorSystem (this is to some 
>>>> extend comparable to a database trigger that executes additonal commands. 
>>>> If the backend datastore supports that directly, I recommend implementing 
>>>> the trigger there, if possible). 
>>> I am not sure, if I understand it.. the basic idea is to have the 
>>> 'events' stored via the eventsourcedprocessor being published to 'n' views. 
>>> The actual number of view that need to listen to these events are not known 
>>> up front (people can add their own views... at system startup, it will be 
>>> clear) 
>>> As every eventsourced actor is actually an AggregateRoot (in DDD terms) 
>>> and thereby something of an instance with it's own state, the changes in 
>>> these states need to be aggregated (that can be done with the streaming as 
>>> you mention) and published to the views that are interested (subscribed). 
>>> Doing this by hand in the aggregate root actor is not a problem, 
>>> thereafter write your own listener actor and that will populate a view data 
>>> store. Still I have the feeling that the actual 'View' (or ViewProducer) 
>>> could be implemented in such a way that it's done by the view.
>>>> - Instead of having thousands of processors, what speaks against 
>>>> combining them into a single processor (or only a few) per node?
>>> This would mean that I'll have all my aggregate root instances running 
>>> in 1 processor meaning that I need to reconstruct state per aggregate root 
>>> instance in some way. Using EventsourcedProcessor, I'd expect that I need 
>>> to replay everything for all instances and pick the one that I need for 
>>> processing at that moment. (this can of course be optimized with snapshots 
>>> and something like memcached). This appears to be a performance hit as I 
>>> feel it. 
>>>> Further comments inline ...
>>>> On 18.04.14 16:10, Olger Warnier wrote:
>>>> Hi Martin,  
>>>>  I'm currently working on view composition using the brand new 
>>>>> akka-stream module. Basic idea is to make views stream producers and to 
>>>>> use 
>>>>> the akka-stream DSL to merge message/event streams from several producers 
>>>>> into whatever you need. See also https://twitter.com/mrt1nz/
>>>>> status/457120534111981569 for a first running example.
>>>>> WDYT?
>>>>  First of all Nice stuff !, I think this is useful for the system at 
>>>> my hands (real-time patient monitoring based on medical data)
>>>> I've seen the streams announcements but did not dive into that yet. 
>>>> Looking at your code StreamExample.scala it more or less 'clicks' in 
>>>> concept. (and hopefully in the right way)
>>>>  From a 'View' perspective as currently is available in 
>>>> akka-persistence, every producing actor needs a view attached to it in 
>>>> order to push the events to the streams producer, right ? (when I look at 
>>>> the ViewProducer.scala code, this is what is done.)
>>>>  PersistentFlow.fromProcessor("p1").toProducer(materializer)
>>>>  Now, I have a sharding cluster with an EventsourcedProcessor  (expect 
>>>> 10.000ths of these EventsourcedProcessor actor instances) , so I'll need 
>>>> to 
>>>> create a line like this for every EventsourcedProcessor in order to get 
>>>> the 
>>>> stream of events together. Thereafter, I need to merge them together to 
>>>> get 
>>>> a single stream of events. (at least that is one of the features of using 
>>>> the streams)
>>>> Every processor instance itself could create such a producer during 
>>>> start and send it to another actor that merges received producers.
>>> That would not allow me to implement 'View' (as is known in the 
>>> persistence package) in order to listen to events within my cluster of 
>>> aggregate root instances, I'll need to build something additional for that 
>>> (as View is more used for the collection of those events and thereafter 
>>> will push them through) 
>>> At this moment, I use an akka extension (gives more or less a singleton) 
>>> that is used directly in the EventSourcedProcessor after storage (persist) 
>>> of the event.  
>>> Thereafter I have listeners that get these events and transform them 
>>> into data that needs storage for a certain type of view (CQRS style)  (this 
>>> is where I expected the 'View' to be used) 
>>>>  My goal is to have 'Listeners' (that is my interpretation of a 'View' 
>>>> due to historic reasons...) that will for instance update a data store, 
>>>> this will probably happen on on just a few nodes (maybe 1 and some 
>>>> failover 
>>>> stuff). These 'Listeners' need to attach to the sharded Eventsourced 
>>>> system 
>>>> and ask to get all event sourced events forwarded. (publish subscribe more 
>>>> or less). 
>>>>  I wonder if the current View (or ViewProducer) fits this situation 
>>>> due to the fact you need to create as many views as eventsourcedprocessors 
>>>> are created. 
>>>> With the merged streams thereafter, it seems a possibility to have just 
>>>> one thing per node (I assume actor) that will do the writing to a data 
>>>> store (not being the eventstore). 
>>>> What would be the way to get these Views 'automagically' attached to 
>>>> the proper procesors ? 
>>>> See above.
>>>>  And, do you have a pointer how this issue is solved with it's own 
>>>> eventstore ? In a sharding cluster, you more or less have the same issue. 
>>>> (would streams change your approach there ?) 
>>>> There's one journal actor per ActorSystem where n journal actors in a 
>>>> cluster update a replicated 
>>>> journal<http://akka.io/community/#plugins_to_akka_persistence>
>>>> .
>>> Thanks, thats not done as an akka extension right ? (why not ?) 
>>>> Hope that helps.
>>> Certainly, really appreciate your patience. 
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Martin
>>> Kind regards, 
>>> Olger 
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> Patrik Nordwall
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