
On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Alexey Shuksto <seig...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello fellow hAkkers,
> In our project we use same business logic several times:
>    1. Manager actor `M` receives work order `WorkOrder(n, time)`;
>    2. `M` distributes work over `n` worker actors `W` (`n` differs
>    mostly);
>    3. After all work is 'done' or specified amount of `time` had passed,
>    some entity must gather all 'done' work, reduce it and sent further down
>    workflow;
>    4. By 'done' I mean that `W` could either do its work correctly, or
>    fail internally, or just not do work in `time` -- all is perfectly
>    normal.
> Right now it is done via third gatherer object `G`:
>    1. `G` is FSM with 2 states: `Wait` and `Gather`;
>    2. `G`s is instantiated in `M` context and every `M` actor holds a
>    fixed size queue of `G` actors in `Wait` state (to prevent flood of
>    work orders);
>    3. When distributing workload, `M` also sends work order to `G` and
>    orders every `W` to forward results to `G`;
>    4. On receive of work order, `G` switches to `Gather` state `forMax`
>    `time`;
>    5. After receiving every work result, `G` check if all necessary work
>    was done, and if it is, sends itself `Done` message;
>    6. On `Done | StateTimeout` message, `G` reduces all received results,
>    sends it further down, switches to `Wait` state and sends itself to 
> `M`actor to be placed in queue.
> While this particular scheme works well enough, I was wondering -- maybe
> we overlooked more easy and straightforward one?

That looks good.

> For example, we could implement `G` not as FSM, but as simple
> 'short-living' actor which destroys itself after reduce,

Yes, that is how I would do it, and only do the pooling if I had evidence
that it is needed for performance reasons.

> but this produces several questions:
>    1. What would be CPU, memory and GC overhead for continually
>    create/destroy, say, 1k actors per second?
> Try it, measure!
We have previously measured actor creation to 20 micro seconds (average of
100000 actors).

>    1. Do `ActorContext.actorof(..)` blocks for entire actor creation
>    time, or just for time enough to produce ActorRef for a future actor?
> the construction is async (constructor will potentially run in another

>    1. What to do with (possibly high) number of `W` messages to
>    `deadLetters` with results obtained after `time` had passed and
>    corresponding `G` actor is stopped?
> well, if that is problem for some reason you can keep it alive for some
extra time to absorb late messages, e.g. setting receiveTimeout


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Patrik Nordwall
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