Hello James,

could you first try the latest Akka which is 2.3.3?

There has been multiple issues fixed in three maintenance releases since
Akka 2.3.0.

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 4:42 PM, James Bunch <james.x.bu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Can anyone point in the right direction with this one, probably something
> obvious I'm missing!
> I'm trying to debug a strange Cluster issue…
> I have 3 actor systems in a cluster (all in the same JVM) communicating
> via the distributed bus. (It's just a test app at the moment, and in
> production will run with each actor system in its own JVM on different
> servers). Akka v2.3.0
>  It works fine on my local machine, and on the dev server.
> On the test server, it works fine until put under load. At that point
> actor system 2 seems to disappear – it suddenly doesn’t send or receive any
> heartbeats and is quickly marked as unreachable
> (I'm basing this on the log output switched on by
> "log-remote-lifecycle-events")
>  No idea why! I was expecting to see this in networked setup (say on EC2)
> but not within a single app.
> I've tried changing the failure detection config settings based on blindly
> copying in config from other posts here, but it doesn’t affect the problem.
> Can anyone offer any suggestions?
> --
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Martynas Mickevičius
Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> –
Reactive<http://www.reactivemanifesto.org/>Apps on the JVM

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