Hi Luis,

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 9:19 PM, Luis Medina <lu4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Martynas,
> Thank you so much for answering my questions. I know it was quite a
> lengthy read. Just got a few follow-up comments/question:
> I think I understand sharding now. In doing something like:
>   ClusterSharding.get(system).start("Worker", Props.create(Worker.class),
> messageExtractor);
> you're essentially telling the cluster that you're going to be sharding
> the Worker actor. This doesn't mean that there will be 1 instance of the
> entry running in the cluster because the number of entries of this type is
> determined by the entryId() method in the messageExtractor.

No, that would be wrong usage. Martynas found earlier today that we had not
documented that specific thing and therefore created ticket:

The purpose with cluster sharding is that at any point in time there will
only be one entry actor instance for a specific identifier. You send
messages to this identifier, without knowing where it is currently located.

Shards are only groups of entries. A way for the infrastructure to manage a
large number of entries.

Can you please describe what you are trying to solve? I get the feeling
that you might be using the wrong tool.


> The number of entries (for a particular entry type) that are run in the
> cluster, depending on how entryId() is specified, will likely be dynamic.
> Similarly, the range of values that the shardId() method returns will
> determine the number of shards that are created in the cluster. So in that
> sense, different shards can potentially contain an instance of the same
> entry and thus, an entry doesn't really have a single shard to call its
> home. Also, the maximum instances of the same entry type that can ever be
> running on the cluster will be equal to the number of shards that it has.
> Now based on my understanding, let me give a slightly different example:
> Say I have 4 nodes in my cluster. As you confirmed, I should ideally have
> 40 shards in the cluster.
> In order for my entries to be spread out uniformly throughout my cluster,
> the shardId() method for each entry type should produce the same ~40 unique
> id values (else I risk going past the ideal number of shards for my
> cluster). Given this, do you think that a good setup would be something
> like:
> public static class Message {
>   public int entryId;
>   public int shardId;
>   public Object data;
>   public Message(Object data) {
>     this.data = data;
>     shardId = Random.nextInt();
>     entryId = Random.nextInt();
>   }
> }
> ShardRegion.MessageExtractor messageExtractor = new
> ShardRegion.MessageExtractor() {
>   @Override
>   public String entryId(Object message) {
>     if (message instanceof Message)
>       return Integer.toString(message.entryId);
>     else
>       return null;
>   }
>   @Override
>   public Object entryMessage(Object message) {
>     if (message instanceof Message)
>       return message.data;
>     else
>       return null;
>   }
>   @Override
>   public String shardId(Object message) {
>     if (message instanceof Message)
>       return Integer.toString(message.shardId % 40); // note the value
> "40" here
>     else
>       return null;
>   }
> }
> a) If the values produced by the shardId() method in the MessageExtractor
> are too random,is there a risk in creating too many entries that remain
> idle? I'm guessing this is where Passivation would come into play.
> b) Same question as above but this time say that the entry doesn't
> actually receive message but actually pulls them from somewhere
> (essentially using the pulling pattern). Since Passivation only works based
> on messages that are sent to an entry, how might idle entries be handled in
> this case?
> c) So from what you said, sending a message to an entry is done through a
> ShardRegion only if you don't know where it is. Otherwise, if you have its
> ActorRef, you can send a message to it using .tell(...) without having to
> go through the ShardRegion.
> d) Do the id values for the entries themselves matter since at most there
> would be 1 entry of that type per shard?
> e) Is it possible to have a scenario where all of the shards have an entry
> of a particular type running and you send a message to said entry type with
> an entryId that doesn't match any of the ids of the entries that are
> currently running (ie. There are 10 shards, each one running an entry with
> an id value that ranges between 1-10, and you send a message with an id
> value of 11)? What would happen? Should the entryId() also return id values
> that fall in the same range as the number of shards (so in the example
> above I would do mod 40 of the entryId)?
>  --
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Patrik Nordwall
Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
Twitter: @patriknw


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