Hi Roland,

All good and thanks for being helpful. That clears things up :) 

Btw, PersistentActor has a good ring to it.

On Tuesday, May 27, 2014 8:44:11 AM UTC+1, rkuhn wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> 26 maj 2014 kl. 21:57 skrev ahjohannessen <ahjoha...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> >:
> Hi Roland,
> the main concern you express is that messages sent from an 
> EventsourcedProcessor are eventually delivered to their recipients, which 
> is what a durable message queue (formerly called PersistentChannel) is for. 
> The main use of the non-persistent Channel is to deduplicate messages, but 
> it fundamentally cannot do that reliably in any case (since a confirmation 
> may have been on its way when it crashed).
> I don't follow your train of thought here. We use 
> *apply-event-and-notify-via-channel" during normal operation *and* recovery 
> in Earnings. I don't see how making Earnings concern itself with maintaing 
> state of acks for each and every domain event improves matters - that is 
> what persistent.confirms + channel during recovery is useful for in this 
> case. Earnings' journal is *the* durable message queue here because we just 
> want to make sure that events from it are replicated in a corresponding 
> aggregator due to the fact that there is currently no way to get a global 
> view of EPs of same type.
> Earnings itself does not care whether Aggregator gets its messages, it is 
> just a technical workaround for missing global views for EPs of same type. 
> The calculation triggering I mentioned in an earlier post can easily be 
> changed to an EarningsAggregator View based approach, but using a separate 
> channel was less work.
> A separate durable message queue seems overkill for our use case.
> I think we are talking past each other: let’s make up a name for the new 
> PersistentChannel that will be efficient at redelivery and also clear its 
> state from old messages that are already confirmed (since our Persistence 
> journals are not made for this use-case), say we call it X. Instead of 
> using a Channel, you would continue to do the same thing with an X, X will 
> fully replace both Channel and PersistentChannel.
> In addition you will not need this workaround anymore because we will 
> allow you to reliably subscribe to and merge the event streams from any 
> number of PersistentActors.
> Does this clear things up, or am I still missing something?
> My explanation below, which I can see now must have been confusing to you, 
> was about implementing guaranteed, lossless delivery of events within a 
> PersistentActor network. As I tried to point out, just sending to a Channel 
> does not necessarily achieve the same thing, even if you also do it during 
> recovery, since recovery may never happen (i.e. Channel fails, but actor 
> does not). For replication of events from the journal we can make it work, 
> because the journal will then be the sender (so we can implement retries).
> Regards,
> Roland
> This is the general flow we have for all of our registrators, Earnings is 
> one of those:
> trait RegistrationFlow[ST] extends EventsourcedProcessor {
>   this: RegistrationBehavior[ST] ⇒
>   val pid: String
>   override val processorId: String = pid
>   def stream: ActorRef
>   final def receiveCommand = commands orElse questions
>   final def receiveRecover = recover
>   private def questions: Receive = {
>     case q: Question if questionHandler.isDefinedAt(q) ⇒
>       sender() ! questionHandler(q)(state)
>   }
>   private def commands: Receive = {
>     case c: Command if commandHandler.isDefinedAt(c) ⇒
>       commandHandler(c)(state) match {
>         case Success(events)  ⇒ handleEvents(events)(sender() ! 
> ACK(c.correlationId))
>         case Failure(failure) ⇒ sender() ! NACK(failure, c.correlationId)
>     }
>   }
>   private def recover: Receive = {
>     case e: Event ⇒ applyAndEmit(e)
>   }
>   private def handleEvents(events: Seq[Event])(doneSignal: ⇒ Unit) = {
>     if(events.isEmpty) doneSignal else {
>       val lastEventToPersist = events.last
>       persist(events) { pe ⇒
>         applyAndEmit(pe)
>         if(pe == lastEventToPersist) doneSignal
>       }
>     }
>   }
>   private def applyAndEmit(e: Event) = {
>     apply(e)
>     currentPersistentMessage foreach(stream ! _)
>   }
>   private def apply(e: Event) = {
>     if (eventHandler.isDefinedAt(e))
>       state = eventHandler(e)(state)
>   }
>   private var state = stateBuilder
> }
> In the solution you describe, if your Earnings must make sure to send to 
> the Aggregator, then they will in either case need to resend the message 
> periodically until confirmed, not only during restart, otherwise the 
> message can be deferred indefinitely; this is the same regardless of which 
> transport helper is used. My concrete proposal would be to store 
> unconfirmed outbound messages in the Earnings’ state and resend based on a 
> timer tick—this extends naturally to recovery after a machine crash.
> I am sorry, but I don't see what storing "unconfirmed" outbound domain 
> events in Earnings' state gives us other than busywork compared to what we 
> have today. Earnings does not communicate with destinations directly, the 
> aggregator is pure technical concerns because we need global views.
> Of course, I would hope to have a more clean solution than we currently 
> have, however I don't see how the removal of channels without a viable 
> alternative improves the status quo.
> I think we’ll see this resending functionality factored out in a common 
> trait soon as more people start building software this way.
> Regards,
> Roland
> 21 maj 2014 kl. 15:30 skrev ahjohannessen <ahjoha...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Roland,
> You state the following:
> *"...talks about Channel since that was only needed to contain the 
> side-effecting replay nature of command sourced processors."*
> A channel is also needed when sending events from an eventsourced 
> processor to another actor when one needs at-least-once delivery rather
> than at-most-once:
> def receiveRecover: Receive = {
>   case event: String => handleEvent(event)
> }
> def handleEvent(event: String) = {
>   // update state
>   // ...
>   // reliably deliver events
>   channel ! Deliver(Persistent(event), destination.path)
>   // alternatively something that encapsulates this pair
> }
> We are dependent on this very functionality for reliable coordination in 
> our apps and removing Channel leaves us worried.
> *"...Your description below is rather terse, so it is not fully clear to 
> me how you are using Channel in this case and what a replacement should be, 
> can you elaborate?"*
> As stated earlier, we have many eventsourced processors of same type, e.g. 
> 10000 instances of "Earnings", that are loaded on demand by a supervisor 
> when a command enters into the domain. When an instance is loaded the 
> command is forwarded to this guy and when the command 
> results in domain events we acknowledge to sender in the persist callback 
> *but* also forward the persistent message to another actor, let's call it 
> "stream", 
> that needs to react to this. It ensures that a calculation is initiated by 
> delivering a message to a "change reactor" via a unique channel. 
> Furthermore "stream" also ensures that a message is delivered, via another 
> unique channel, to an EarningsAggregator that essentially replicates all of 
> those 10000 instances' events, because we need a global view in order to 
> maintain read models. 
> In receiveRecover we *also* forward replayed events to "stream" in order 
> to ensure that messages get delivered, via channels, to the respective 
> destinations, 
> in the case of a JVM crash.
> During system start up we start all recently active (say last 24 hours) 
> Earnings instances to ensure that all calculations are triggered and that 
> our EarningsAggregator 
> gets the event, again in the name of crash paranoia. These instances shut 
> themselves down after a reasonable receive timeout in order to keep memory 
> footprint low. 
> This roughly happens by sending a "passivate me" message to their 
> supervisor which in turn ensures a proper shutdown and all of the 
> instance's messages are 
> processed by using a combination of poison pill, become, stash and 
> listening to terminated.
> In the above I mention Earnings eventsourced processor, however we have 
> around 10 similar types under same supervisor that are similarly structured 
> and have the same
> need of what a channel gives us.
> Other usages of channels that we have are communication among processes. 
> Often here it is perfectly fine for us to use channels because it ensures 
> that something eventually
> will happen, some eventsourced processor emits an event to reactor 
> (ordinary actor) via a channel (also during receiveRecover) that transforms 
> the event to a command in the 
> language of another eventsourced processor. All of such processes are 
> idempotent and maintaining an queue on both sides is just a lot of useless 
> busywork in most of our 
> use cases.
> I have no idea of what a replacement of Channel would be because I do not 
> have an issue with it and think it is a good primitive that solves many of 
> our use cases in ways 
> that are satisfying and saves us a lot of work trying to re-implement the 
> same functionality.
> *"...My motivation here is to not remove needed functionality without 
> improved replacement."*
> That is good to know :)
> On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:32:38 PM UTC+1, rkuhn wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> I have filed the ticket for Processor’s removal (
> https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/15230), which also talks about 
> Channel since that was only needed to contain the side-effecting replay 
> nature of command sourced processors. Your description below is rather 
> terse, so it is not fully clear to me how you are using Channel in this 
> case and what a replacement should be, can you elaborate?
> There is also the discussion ticket for reinventing PersistentChannel (<a 
> href="https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/15231"; target="_blank" 
> onmousedown="this.href='
> https://www.google.com/url?q\75https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fakka%2Fakka%2Fissues%2F15231\46sa\75D\46sntz\0751\46usg\75AFQjCNHVgLE8rZoAfgzee49OnEr_3wqWmA';return<https://www.google.com/url?q%5C75https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fakka%2Fakka%2Fissues%2F15231%5C46sa%5C75D%5C46sntz%5C0751%5C46usg%5C75AFQjCNHVgLE8rZoAfgzee49OnEr_3wqWmA';return>true;"
>  onclick="this.href='
> https://www.google.com/url?q\75https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fakka%2Fakka%2Fissues%2F1<https://www.google.com/url?q%5C75https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fakka%2Fakka%2Fissues%2F1>
> ...

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