WARNING: Did not try to compile this

  futureFiles map { _ recoverWith { case ex => log.info("Retrieval of files
failed : {}", ex.getLocalizedMessage); Nil } }
 ).map(lists => Detected(lists.flatten.toIndexedSeq)) pipeTo sender

On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Jasper <lme...@excilys.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Beginner here, I'm experiencing some issues with a particular portion of
> my code :
>           val paths = ListBuffer.empty[List[File]]
>           futureFiles.foreach{
>             _.onComplete{
>               case Success(list: List[File]) =>
>                 paths += list
>               case Failure(ex) =>
>                 log.info("Retrieval of files failed : {}",
> ex.getLocalizedMessage)
>             }
>           }
>           sender() ! Detected(paths.flatten.toIndexedSeq)
> futureFiles is a List[Future[List[File]]]. So I attach a callback on each
> of them and construct a new list from it. My problem is because this is
> asynchronous code, sometimes it will make the tell before the paths list is
> filled up, thus sending nothing. I figured I'd try something like this :
>           Future.sequence(futureFiles).onComplete{
>               case Success(lists) =>
>                 sender() ! Detected(lists.flatten.toIndexedSeq)
>               case Failure(ex) =>
>                 log.info("Retrieval of files failed : {}",
> ex.getLocalizedMessage)
>           }
> But doing so I lose some failure messages because of the sequencing, and
> it doesn't work anyway because the message is going straight to dead
> letters. So how can I achieve this ?
> Thanks
> --
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