Hi Mario,

your use case resonates to me with the "Hot Standby Processor" feature
request <https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/13938>, that we have in our
issue tracker. In that case you would have only one Processor which does
the writes. But next to that there would be a number of Hot Views that do
reads and can be promoted to the Processor if the original dies.

I know this is a bit different from the idea you are proposing, but this
may be easier to implement than synchronizing stores of multiple processors.

On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Mario Camou <mca...@tecnoguru.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm in the process of thinking through a rewrite of parts of an
> application using Akka Persistence. After watching Endre's talk from
> ScalaDays (I was unable to attend the talk itself and the streaming only
> made me sadder about that) I was thinking, is there a plan to apply this
> sort of thinking to PersistentActors?
> I was thinking of a cluster where you have several instances of a
> PersistentActor, behind a Cluster-Aware Router (not using a Cluster
> Singleton because of scalability). The thing is (as far as I've been able
> to determine), each PersistentActor has its own state (and event store), so
> they don't have any sort of shared (eventually-consistent) view of the
> world. Since Akka Cluster already uses the Gossip protocol to maintain
> cluster state, perhaps it would be interesting to extend that so that
> Events get propagated too.
> For a little more perspective, here's what I am thinking of doing.
> Currently the application (running in a single server) holds state in
> in-memory Maps coordinated using STM. The elements in these maps are
> persisted to JSON files every time there's an update so that, when the
> system goes down and back up, it can restore them. I was thinking of
> changing this to use Akka Persistence.
> Currently a single process handles both the backend (in this case,
> communicating with e-bike rental stations) and frontend responsibilities
> (exposing the state via REST calls using Spray and allowing the web
> front-end to modify the state). They both access the store via a Repository
> object which takes care of querying and updating the Maps. I was thinking
> that, by using Akka to access the Repository (instead of method calls) I
> could then scale the system out by separating the frontend and backend into
> separate nodes. That, however, still leaves me with a Single Point of
> Failure: the Repository itself. If I could have the PersistentActors
> communicate amongst themselves to keep an eventually-consistent view of the
> world, it would allow me to replicate the Repository to several nodes, or
> perhaps not even having a dedicated process to hold the PersistentActors,
> instead hosting them in the same cluster nodes as the backend(s) and
> frontend(s).
> As I asked earlier, is this planned at some point, is there some other
> recommended way of going about this, or am I completely out of the ballpark?
> Thanks,
> -Mario.
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Martynas Mickevičius
Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> – Reactive
<http://www.reactivemanifesto.org/> Apps on the JVM

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