Hello Moiz,
an event detached from it’s lineage does not make much sense for building
up state - which is how persistent actors are designed to be used.
An persistent actor’s state, and your “domain state”, should be built up
from such series of events (and snapshots).

We do support playback “until” a given sequence number, you can achieve
this via:

class Peter extends PersistentActor {
  override def preStart() {
    self ! Recover(toSequenceNr = 20)

  def receiveCommand = { }
  def receiveRecover = {
    case m if lastSequenceNr == 15 => // ...

    case _               => // ...

If you only want one of these items, you can just ignore the others like
shown in the example above.
But reading out one specific event is not something we will want to support
(we are actively removing methods that target “one message” in favour of
ranged operations (see deprecated deleteMessage vs.

May I ask why you need to read exactly one event?
It would help to understand your use case, and then advice. :-)

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Moiz Raja <moizr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using akka-persistence and I have a need to read a specific journal
> entry but I do not see a way in akka-persistence to do that.
> Is there any reason why an API has not been provided for this? Are there
> any plans to provide this in an upcoming release?
> Thanks,
> -Moiz
> --
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Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
hAkker @ Typesafe


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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
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