You could call context.unwatch(worker) and then context.stop(worker) from 
your supervisor actor.  Then you won't get the Terminated message, though 
you also won't find out about a crash if the actor were the die for 
whatever reason before being stopped.

For the reason I might lean towards just keeping track of stopped actors 
and checking if a Terminated message is for one that's already been 
stopped, though I suppose that could suffer from the same flaw.

On Monday, July 7, 2014 5:24:32 PM UTC-6, Greg Flanagan wrote:
> I'm using the working pull pattern and wanted to be able to spawn and reap 
> workers while the application is running. Spinning up new workers is 
> trivial but I had some questions about terminating current workers. 
> Currently I'll send a worker a PoisonPill to get it to shut down but when I 
> do this I can't discriminate between a worker that just crashed and one 
> that I sent a PoisonPill to. The master could just keep a Set of worker 
> that where sent a PoisonPill, that would at least tell me if it was a crash 
> or a request to shut down. I wanted to know if there is another way of 
> terminating a child node without sending it a PoisonPill or if there is 
> just a better way to do all this.
> Thanks,
> Greg  

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