One difference with cluster aware router (dynamic router) is that will not 
terminate when all children have terminated. In docs:
In the event that all children of a pool router have terminated the router will 
terminate itself unless it is a dynamic router, e.g. using a resizer.


> 17 jul 2014 kl. 14:33 skrev Konrad Malawski <>:
> Hi Sean,
> I tried to replicate your problem, but seems to work as expected in my sample 
> app.
> I've tried with an app like this: 
> Which you can paste in the akka-sample-cluster-scala activator template.
> I'd love to help out, but so far couldn't replicate the problem - would be 
> cool if you could prepare a minimised example (can be based on my gist 
> maybe?) to show the problem.
> In general you're right to expect that death watch should "just work"™ with 
> remote actors.
>> On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:07 AM, Sean Policarpio <> wrote:
>> The documentation at 
>> doesn't state 
>> that the PoisonPill performs differently than the behaviour listed here, so 
>> I assumed if I used a Broadcast message like below:
>> ...
>>   def vectorizeUserContent(streamer : ActorRef, libraryId : Long, senderNode 
>> : ActorRef) = {
>>     val userVectorizationReducers =
>>       context.actorOf(FromConfig.props(Props[ UserVectorizationReducer ]), 
>> "userVectorizationReducer")
>>     context.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
>>       override def preStart() {
>>         streamer ! StartStream(libraryId)
>>       }
>>       override def receive = {
>>         case dto : RawUserContentDto => userVectorizationReducers ! 
>> ConsistentHashableEnvelope(dto, dto.userId)
>>         case EndOfStream() => {
>>           userVectorizationReducers ! 
>> Broadcast(ReturnUserVectors(senderNode))
>>           userVectorizationReducers ! Broadcast(PoisonPill)
>>         }
>>         case Terminated(userVectorizationReducers) => {
>>           senderNode ! VectorizationCompleted()
>>           self ! PoisonPill
>>         }
>>       }
>>     }), "userContentVectorizerDirector")
>>   }
>> ...
>> where userVectorizationReducers is a remotely deployed pool of routees, the 
>> Terminated message would be retrieved due to the watch made in preStart(). 
>> Unfortunately, the broadcasted PoisonPill does not trigger the expected 
>> Terminated message I'm waiting for. If I however replace the broadcast in my 
>> 'EndOfStream()' case with userVectorizationReducers ! PoisonPill, then the 
>> Terminated message is returned. In both cases, all routees are terminated 
>> individually (evident through some logging in the postStop() method of the 
>> UserVectorizationReducer actor). I'm assuming the PoisonPill is actually 
>> being routed to the routees where they can be gracefully shutdown after all 
>> other messages have been processed, but I could be wrong.
>> Can I get clarification if this is in fact true and it is the recommended 
>> way to shutdown a pool of cluster routees?
>> Cheers,
>> Sean
>> -- 
>> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:
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>> >>>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives:
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> -- 
> Cheers,
> Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
> hAkker @ Typesafe
> -- 
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> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ: 
> >>>>>>>>>>
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