I'm using Akka with ZMQ integration. 
I have noticed that, if an actor is restarted by the supervisor because it 
throws an exception, ZeroMQExtension cannot restart and throws a fatal 
exception which, in turn, triggers the VM termination if you have the 
jvm-exit-on-fatal-error options set, even if the exception originally 
thrown was not fatal at all.
I did a couple of tests and I think that this is due to the fact that the 
actor that manages the ZMQ socket is not yet terminated when the crashed 
actor is restarted, and so it still hasn't released the resources (i.e. 
closed the ZMQ socket) when the original actor is restarted (I'll tell you 
why I came to this conclusion later).
Here's an example that can be used to trigger the problem and to check my 

case object ClockTick

object ZmqTest extends App {

  val system = ActorSystem("system")
  val actor = system.actorOf(Props(new ZmqTestActor), name = "actor")

class ZmqTestActor extends Actor {

  import context.dispatcher
  val socket = ZeroMQExtension(context.system).newSocket(SocketType.Router, 
Bind("tcp://"), Listener(self))

  override def preStart() = {
    println("preStart called")
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), FiniteDuration(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), self, 

  override def postStop() = {
    println("postStop called")
    // Uncomment the following and it won't crash!
    // socket ! PoisonPill
    // Thread.sleep(1000)

  override def receive = {
    case ClockTick =>
      println("Generating exception...")
      val arr = Array[Int](1, 2, 3)

As you see, the program is very simple: it creates a ZMQ socket and then 
generates an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception.
The supervisor terminates and restarts the actor, but upon restart the 
following exception is thrown:

[ERROR] [07/25/2014 18:16:58.266] [system-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] 
[ActorSystem(system)] Uncaught error from thread 
[system-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] shutting down JVM since 
'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/zeromq/ZeroMQ$
    at akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy.handleFailure(FaultHandling.scala:295)
(etc etc)

Well, of course ZMQ is in the classpath and so are the binaries... if it 
weren't so, it would not have worked even the first time I launched it.
The point is that I noticed that you get the same exception if you start 
two instances of a program that binds a ZMQ socket on the same IP and port, 
I thought that the problem could simply due to the fact that ZMQ cannot 
bind to the given IP/port a second time because it's busy.
So I added in the postStop the following lines:

    socket ! PoisonPill

This kills the ZMQ socket actor and waits a little bit to allow it to clean 
the resources it's using.
Guess what? In this case, the supervisor is able to restart the actor 

Now my questions are:
1) is my hypothesis correct? Could this be the reason (port still busy) why 
we see that exception and ZMQ is not able to restart?
2) is this happening because I'm not using ZMQ integration correctly? BTW, 
keep in mind that I'm not using JNA (we tested it, and found it was really 
too slow, so we're using the binaries).
3) about the solution I found, is there a better way to handle this issue?
I could do something like:
    while (!socket.isTerminated)
and it works (I tried), but isTerminated is deprecated. I know that, to 
know if the actor is terminated, I should watch it and handle the 
Terminated message, but this is a thing that I cannot do here since the 
actor that owns the socket is being terminated by the supervisor. So it 
seems to me that there's a sort of design flaw that doesn't allow to handle 
ZMQ socket termination in a clean way.
4) shouldn't ZeroMQExtension show a better message when it tries to bind on 
a port that is already used instead of throwing a NoClassDefFoundException?

Thanks to anyone who'll be willing to help.

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