Hi George!
I’ll start with the infameous “it depends”, but let’s get into a more 
constructive answer :-)

As updateState is not really something akka forces you to do - it’s simply a 
pattern we’ve found to be useful.
The core of it is “a method which you can call from both `receiveCommand` and 
I’d split methods in terms of “does interactions with outside world and should 
not be triggered on recovery” and “does not trigger interactions with outside 
But for example if you create child actors as part of your domain logic, you 
will want to trigger this during replay - to be ready for an incoming request 
which needs them etc.

I for one would not put much logic into events. I tend to keep them as simple 
as markers that “stuff happened” - when actions need to be made, I’d use actors 
to do them. Putting a require() or two in there may be ok, but I wouldn’t put 
more complicated stuff into an event - it’s some actor that would “perform” the 

As for commenting Martin’s quote, by Command he means “incoming message” (as 
does our PersistentActor#receiveCommand), and by Event he means “the event that 
the Persistent Actor has persisted, as effect of that incoming command”. This 
means: command comes in, apply some logic to it, store “result” of that logic 
as event (SignedUp / UserNameTaken etc.), and act upon this event (once it’s 
persisted safely). So the logic leads to storing of events.

I hope this helps, feel free to ask more or give examples of what you’d need :-)

Happy hakking!

Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
hAkker @ typesafe

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