Instead of mutating state from within the future I would use the pipeTo 
pattern. Using pipeTo you can send the result of a future to an actor (e.g. 
to self). There you can safely change state, as you are in 
single-threaded-illusion-land again...



Am Donnerstag, 7. August 2014 07:25:05 UTC+2 schrieb Soumya Simanta:
> I'm cross posting this here for better coverage. 
> I'm trying to make two external calls (to a Redis database) inside an 
> Actor's receive method. Both calls return a Future and I need the result 
> of the first Future inside the second. I'm wrapping both calls inside a 
> Redis transaction to avoid anyone else from modifying the value in the 
> database while I'm reading it.
> The internal state of the actor is updated based on the value of the 
> second Future.
> Here is what my current code looks like which I is incorrect because I'm 
> updating the internal state of the actor inside a Future.onComplete
>  callback.
> I cannot use the PipeTo pattern because I need both both Future have to 
> be in a transaction. If I use Await for the first Future then my receive 
> method will *block*. Any idea how to fix this ?
> My *second question* is related to how I'm using Futures. Is this usage 
> of Futures below correct? Is there a better way of dealing with multiple 
> Futures in general? Imagine if there were 3 or 4 Future each depending on 
> the previous one.
> import{Props, ActorLogging, Actor}import 
> akka.util.ByteStringimport redis.RedisClient
> import scala.concurrent.Futureimport scala.util.{Failure, Success}
> object GetSubscriptionsDemo extends App {
>   val akkaSystem ="redis-demo")
>   val actor = akkaSystem.actorOf(Props(new SimpleRedisActor("localhost", 
> "dummyzset")), name = "simpleactor")
>   actor ! UpdateState}
> case object UpdateState
> class SimpleRedisActor(ip: String, key: String) extends Actor with 
> ActorLogging {
>   //mutable state that is updated on a periodic basis
>   var mutableState: Set[String] = Set.empty
>   //required by Future
>   implicit val ctx = context dispatcher
>   var rClient = RedisClient(ip)(context.system)
>   def receive = {
>     case UpdateState => {
>"Start of UpdateState ...")
>       val tran = rClient.transaction()
>       val zf: Future[Long] = tran.zcard(key)  //FIRST Future 
>       zf.onComplete {
>         case Success(z) => {
>           //SECOND Future, depends on result of FIRST Future 
>           val rf: Future[Seq[ByteString]] = tran.zrange(key, z - 1, z) 
>           rf.onComplete {
>             case Success(x) => {
>               //convert ByteString to UTF8 String
>               val v =
>     "Updating state with $v ")
>               //update actor's internal state inside callback for a Future
>               //IS THIS CORRECT ?
>               mutableState ++ v
>             }
>             case Failure(e) => {
>               log.warning("ZRANGE future failed ...", e)
>             }
>           }
>         }
>         case Failure(f) => log.warning("ZCARD future failed ...", f)
>       }
>       tran.exec()
>     }
>   }
> }
> The compiles but when I run it gets struck.
> 2014-08-07  INFO [] 
> a.e.s.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started2014-08-07 04:38:35.106UTC INFO 
> [] e.c.s.e.a.g.SimpleRedisActor - 
> Start of UpdateState ...2014-08-07 04:38:35.134UTC INFO 
> [<span class="pun" st
> ...

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