Hi Endre,
I was using 2.3.3 -- Let me run with 2.3.4 if it makes a difference

On Thursday, August 7, 2014 1:19:29 AM UTC-7, drewhk wrote:
> Hi Syed,
> As the very first step, can you tell us what is the Akka version you are 
> using? If it is not Akka 2.3.4, please try to upgrade to 2.3.4 and see if 
> the issue still remains.
> -Endre
> On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Ryan Tanner <ryan....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> When those large messages are received, what's supposed to happen?  It's 
>> possible that whatever processing is triggered by that message is so CPU 
>> intensive that Akka's internal remoting can't get any time for its own 
>> messages.
>> On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 12:08:20 PM UTC-6, Syed Ahmed wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Im new to Akka/Akka Remoting.. 
>>> We need to send large messages in the order 500-600MB. After viewing and 
>>> checking some mailer post I found that I have to change Akka Remote netty 
>>> tcp settings which I did and my application.conf has the following...
>>>  remote {
>>>             transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
>>>             netty.tcp {
>>>               hostname = "<ip address of host>"
>>>               port = 2553
>>>                   maximum-frame-size = 524288000
>>>                    send-buffer-size= 500000000
>>>                    receive-buffer-size=500000000
>>>             }
>>>           }
>>> I create a client and remote server app using akka-remoting. Using 
>>> protobuff message serialization -- a client sends a large message to server 
>>> and the server acknowledges with the timestamp when it received after 
>>> deserialized the same. 
>>> With above settings things work fine for messages upto 200MB. When I try 
>>> slightly large message 250MB.. The server shows the following ..
>>> ---
>>> [INFO] [08/05/2014 23:41:39.302] 
>>> [RemoteNodeApp-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-4] 
>>> [akka.tcp://RemoteNodeApp@<remote-ip>:2552/system/transports/
>>> akkaprotocolmanager.tcp0/akkaProtocol-tcp%3A%2F%
>>> 2FRemoteNodeApp%40<remote_ip>%3A36922-1] No response from remote. 
>>> Handshake timed out or transport failure detector triggered.
>>> ---
>>> and the client shows the following 
>>> [WARN] [08/05/2014 23:41:39.326] 
>>> [LocalNodeApp-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-6] 
>>> [akka.tcp://LocalNodeApp@<client_ip>:2553/system/endpointManager/
>>> reliableEndpointWriter-akka.tcp%3A%2F%2FRemoteNodeApp%4010.194.188.97%3A2552-0]
>>> Association with remote system [akka.tcp://RemoteNodeApp@<server_ip>:2552] 
>>> has failed, address is now gated for [5000] ms. Reason is: [Disassociated].
>>> and the message is not sent at all..  Any idea what else is missing? 
>>> BTW -- in the above I don't see any OOM errors or anything and the 
>>> client/remote app are still up and running. 
>>> thx
>>> -Syed 
>>>  -- 
>> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ: 
>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
>> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
>> --- 
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