I am not responding to this one post just a reply towards the end and will 
discuss a few posts from earlier.

To start I have to agree with some of the posters that premature scaling 
can cause many issues. This actually reminds me of the CQRS journey which 
people mentioned earlier. One of the main criticisms of the CQRS Journey is 
that it prematurely took scaling constraints which causes the code to be 
much much more complex than it needs to be. This was partially due to it 
being a sample app of something larger and partially due to the p&p team 
also showing azure at the same time. Because they wanted to distribute and 
show Azure at the same time the team took cloud constraints as a given. 
This caused for instance every handler in the system to need to be 
idempotent. While seemingly a small constraint this actually adds a 
significant amount of complexity to the system.

The same problem exists in what is being discussed today. For 95+% of 
systems it is totally reasonable that when I write a projection I expect my 
events to have assured ordering. As Vaughn mentioned a few hundred 
events/second is the vast majority of systems. Systems like these can be 
completely linearized and ordering assurances are not an issue. This 
removes a LOT of complexity in projections code as you don't have to handle 
hundreds to thousands of edge cases in your read models where you get 
events out of order. Saying that ordering assurances are not needed and 
everyone should use casual consistency is really saying "we don't care 
about the bottom 95% of users".

RKuhn had mentioned doing joins. You are correct in this is how we do it 
now. We offer historically perfect joins but in live there is no way to do 
a live perfect join via queries. We do however support another mechanism 
for this that will assure that your live join will always match your 
historical. We allow you to precalculate and save the results of the join. 
This produces a stream full of stream links which can then be replayed as 
many times (perfectly) as you want.

There was some discussion above about using precalculated topics to handle 
projections. I believe the terminology was called tags. The general idea if 
I can repeat it is to write an event FooOccurred and to include upon it 
some tags (foo, bar, baz) which would map it to topics that could then be 
replayed as a whole. This on the outset seems like a good idea but will not 
work well in production. The place where it will run into a problem is that 
I cannot know when writing the events all mappings that any future 
projections may wish to have. Tomorrow my business could ask me for a 
report that looks at a completely new way of partitioning the events and I 
will be unable to do it.

As I mentioned previously in a quick comment. What is being asked for today 
is actually already supported with akka,persistence providing you are using 
event store as your backend (for those interested today is the release of 
the final RC of 3.0 which has all of the support for the akka,perisistence 
client (binaries are for win/linux/max)). Basically what you would do is 
run akka.persistence on your write side but *not* use it for supporting 
your read models. Instead when dealing with your read models you would use 
a catchupsubscription for what you are interested in. I do not see anything 
inherently wrong with this way of doing things and it begs the question of 
whether this is actually a more appropriate way to deal with eventsourced 
systems using akka,.persistence. eg use native storage directly if it 
supports it.


On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 9:24:10 AM UTC-4, √ wrote:
> The decision if scale is needed cannot be implicit, as then you are luring 
> people into the non-scalable world and when they find out then it is too 
> late.
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Roland Kuhn <goo...@rkuhn.info 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> 19 aug 2014 kl. 14:57 skrev Gary Malouf <malou...@gmail.com <javascript:>
> >:
> For CQRS specifically, a lot of what people call scalability is in it's 
> ability to easily model multiple read views to make queries very fast off 
> the same event data.
> In the cases where a true global ordering is truly necessary, one often 
> does not need to handle hundreds of thousands of writes per second.  I 
> think the ideal is to have the global ordering property for events by 
> default, and have to disable that if you feel a need to do more writes per 
> second than a single writer can handle. 
> Unfortunately it is not only the number of writes per second, the sheer 
> data volume can drive the need for a distributed, partitioned storage 
> mechanism. There is only so much you can fit within a single machine and 
> once you go beyond that you quickly run into CAP (if you want your 
> guarantees to hold 100% at all times). The way forward then necessitates 
> that you must compromise on something, either Availability or Determinism 
> (in this case).
> Regards,
> Roland
> Once the global ordering property is enforced, solving many of the 
> publisher ordering issues (and supporting sagas) becomes significantly 
> easier to achieve.  
> On Aug 19, 2014 8:49 AM, "Roland Kuhn" <goo...@rkuhn.info <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> 18 aug 2014 kl. 16:49 skrev Patrik Nordwall <patrik....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>>:
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Roland Kuhn <goo...@rkuhn.info 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> 18 aug 2014 kl. 10:27 skrev Patrik Nordwall <patrik....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>>:
> Hi Roland,
> A few more questions for clarification...
> On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Vaughn Vernon <vve...@shiftmethod.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>  On Friday, August 15, 2014 11:39:45 AM UTC-6, rkuhn wrote:
> Dear hakkers,
> unfortunately it took me a long time to catch up with akka-user to this 
> point after the vacation, but on the other hand this made for a very 
> interesting and stimulating read, thanks for this thread!
> If I may, here’s what I have understood so far:
>    1. In order to support not only actor persistence but also full CQRS 
>    we need to adjust our terminology: events are published to topics, where 
>    each persistenceId is one such topic but others are also allowed. 
>    2. Common use-cases of building projections or denormalized views 
>    require the ability to query the union of a possibly large number of 
> topics 
>    in such a fashion that no events are lost. This union can be viewed as a 
>    synthetic or logical topic, but issues arise in that true topics provide 
>    total ordering while these synthetic ones have difficulties doing so. 
>    3. Constructing Sagas is hard.
> AFAICS 3. is not related to the other two, the mentions in this thread 
> have only alluded to the problems so I assume that the difficulty is 
> primarily to design a process that has the right eventual consistency 
> properties (i.e. rollbacks, retries, …). This is an interesting topic but 
> let’s concentrate on the original question first.
> The first point is a rather simple one, we just need to expose the 
> necessary API for writing to a given topic instead of the local Actor’s 
> persistenceId; I’d opt for adding variants of the persist() methods that 
> take an additional String argument. Using the resulting event log is then 
> done as for the others (i.e. Views and potentially queries should just 
> work).
> Does that mean that a PersistentActor can emit events targeted to its 
> persistenceId and/or targeted to an external topic and it is only the 
> events targeted to the persistenceId that will be replayed during recovery 
> of that PersistentActor?
> Yes.
> Both these two types of events can be replayed by a PersistentView.
> Yes; they are not different types of events, just how they get to the 
> Journal is slightly different.
>  The only concern is that the Journal needs to be prepared to receive 
> events concurrently from multiple sources instead of just the same Actor, 
> but since each topic needs to be totally ordered this will not be an 
> additional hassle beyond just routing to the same replica, just like for 
> persistenceIds.
> Replica as in data store replica, or as in journal actor? 
> The Journal must implement this in whatever way is suitable for the 
> back-end. A generic solution would be to shard the topics as Actors across 
> the cluster (internal to the Journal), or the Journal could talk to the 
> replicated back-end store such that a topic always is written to one 
> specific node (if that helps).
> What has been requested is "all events for an Aggregate type", e.g. all 
> shopping carts, and this will will not scale. It can still be useful, and 
> with some careful design you could partition things when scalability is 
> needed. I'm just saying that it is a big gun, that can be pointed in the 
> wrong direction.
> Mixed-up context: #1 is about predefined topics to which events are 
> emitted, not queries. We need to strictly keep these separate.
> Is point one for providing a sequence number from a single ordering 
> source? 
> Yes, that is also what I was wondering. Do we need such a sequence number? 
> A PersistentView should be able to define a replay starting point. (right 
> now I think that is missing, it is only supported by saving snapshots)
> Or do you mean topic in the sense that I cover above with EntitiesRef? In 
> other words, what is the String argument and how does it work?  If you 
> would show a few sample persist() APIs that might help clarify. And if you 
> are referring to a global ordering sequence, whose must maintain that? Is 
> it the store implementation or the developer? 
> #1 is not about sequence numbers per se (although it has consequences of 
> that kind): it is only about allowing persistenceIds that are not bound to 
> a single PersistentActor and that all PersistentActors can publish to. Mock 
> code:
> def apply(evt: Event) = state = evt(state)
> def receiveCommand = {
>   case c: Cmd =>
>     if (isValid(c)) {
>       persist(Event1(c))(apply)
>       persistToTopic("myTopic", Event2(c)) { evt =>
>         apply(evt)
>         sender() ! Done
>       }
>     }
> }
> Looks good, but to make it clear, there is no transaction that spans over 
> these two persist calls.
> Of course.
> Everyone who listens to "myTopic" will then (eventually) get Event2.
> The second point is the contentious one, since a feature request 
> (consistent iteration over a query) clashes with a design choice 
> (scalability). First it is important to note that this clash is genuine: 
> scalability means that we do not want to limit the size of a topic to 
> always fit one unit of consistency, our default assumption is that 
> everything should be prepared for distribution. We all know that in a 
> distributed system linearizability is not generally achievable, meaning 
> that a distributed (synthetic) topic that receives events from concurrent 
> sources will not be able to provide a global ordering. A non-distributed 
> Journal, OTOH, is a single point of failure which is not desirable for many 
> applications (i.e. your business will go down while the Journal has 
> issues—true replication requires the ability to fail independently and 
> hence is distributed in the CAP sense).
> I think I understand this to mean that if you decide to implement a store 
> using MySQL/Postgres/Oracle/LevelDB or whatever, then you live with what 
> you get and what you don't get from those stores. If so, that's okay with 
> me because we already live with those trade offs all the time anyway. I 
> think this is far better than trying to make the whole world step up to 
> Availability and Partition tolerance when all they want to do is write a 
> business app using akka-persistence. This allows teams to decide for 
> themselves which of the two CAP attributes they want, and note that even 
> Amazon would choose C over A or P in some cases.
> I agree, I think the ordering quality of service should be provided by the 
> journal implementation and not enforced by akka persistence. If you 
> use MySQL/Postgres/Oracle/LevelDB the total ordering is a no-brainer, but 
> if you use Cassandra or Kafka it is not. 
> My point (perhaps not well articulated) was that in order to offer the 
> feature of listening to arbitrary Queries the Journal MUST provide the 
> resulting event stream in a consistent order (see more below). Providing 
> them in random order for each replay is worse than useless as far as I can 
> see.
> As I see it, a query (like “all events of this type” etc.) should be 
> configured for the given Journal and should then be available as a 
> (synthetic) topic for normal consumption—but not for being written to. The 
> Journal is then free to implement this in any way it sees fit, but barring 
> fundamental advances in CS or errors on my part this will always require 
> that the synthetic topic is not scalable in the way we usually define that 
> (i.e. distributable). As Vaughn points out this may not be an issue at all, 
> actual benchmarks would help settle this point. Journal backends that 
> already implement a global order can make use of that, for others the 
> synthetic topic would work just like any other non-PersistentActor topic 
> with manual duplication of those events that match the query (akin to (a) 
> in the first post of this thread); this duplication does not necessarily 
> need to double the memory consumption, it could also only persist the 
> events by reference (depending on the storage engine).
> I think these are very typical kinds of queries are:
> - All newly persisted events that I have not yet processed since the last 
> time I asked for them (because I always process all new events in some 
> specific way)
> This needs a total order, and it must be consistent across runs (i.e. 
> eventual consistency is not good enough, otherwise you will lose events or 
> double-process them).
>  - All persisted events that constitute the state of my actor
> This is defined to be the Actor’s own topic, hence it is not a Query (and 
> therefore not a Problem ;-) ).
> - All persisted events from the beginning of time because I just 
> redesigned 20 user interface views and I have to delete and rebuild all my 
> view states from day-1, and the events must be delivered in the same order 
> that they originally happened, or my generated views' state will be wrong
> The order that they originally happened in is ill-defined unless your 
> Journal globally serializes events—which is not a given.
>  - All persisted events from the beginning of time because a new system 
> is coming on line and needs to be seeded with what happened from the time I 
> was deployed until now, and the events must be delivered in the same 
> order that they originally happened, or the state of my newly deployed 
> system will be wrong
> Same here. But it is difficult to imagine things going wrong between 
> unrelated (concurrent & distributed) entities, their order did not matter 
> the first time around as well, right? An exception here is causal ordering 
> (BTW: casual ordering is not known to me).
> We have still not really defined what this *order* is.
> "in the same order that they originally happened" sounds like a wall clock 
> timestamp in the PersistentActor, is that what we mean? -- and then we all 
> know that it is not perfect in a distributed system, and events may have 
> exactly the same timestamp.
> Or do we mean the insert order in the data store? There is often no such 
> thing in a distributed store.
> Or do we mean that the replay or these events should be deterministic, 
> i.e. always replayed in the same order?
> This is the only one we can aim for AFAICS.
> I agree, but that is impossible to achieve with a fully available system 
> (AFAIK).
> Yes. Queries cannot scale, I have yet to see someone contesting this 
> conclusion.
> As usual, I’d love to be proven wrong.
> I tried to understand what is supported by EventStore. Found this page: 
> https://github.com/EventStore/EventStore/wiki/Projections-fromStreams
> It is clear that the total order of a projection from multiple streams is 
> not perfect, but probably good enough for practical purposes.
> What Greg describes there is exactly what I mean with Eventually 
> Linearizable: while things are happening it takes a while for the system to 
> sync up and agree on a replay order. Once that is set, everything is 
> deterministic.
> Yes, the problem is that a PersistentView is querying live data, and if 
> that "replay" order is supposed to be the same as a later historical query 
> the data must be stored in total order, or some kind of buffering/sorting 
> best effort must be used.
> Yes.
> The alternative would be to strictly obey causal order by tracking who 
> sent what in response to which message. Causality only defines a partial 
> order, but that should by definition be enough because those event pairs 
> which are unordered also do not care about each other (i.e. the global 
> ordering might be different during each replay but that is irrelevant since 
> nobody <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace's_demon> can observe it 
> anyway).
> I think this ties in to what is confusing me most about all this. The only 
> consistency boundary in my world is the DDD Aggregate instance, i.e. one 
> PersistentActor instance. What has been requested is something that 
> requires consistency (ordering) across Aggregate instances.
> Why not model the topic as a separate PersistentActor? Problems with that 
> has been raised, such as how to reliably deliver the events from the 
> Aggregate PersistentActor to the topic PersistentActor. Is that impossible 
> to solve?
> Again: we need to keep Topics and Queries separated. What you describe is 
> a Topic, and that works fine. What people asked for are Queries, and they 
> are difficult. The use-case that was initially presented was not about 
> consistency between different PersistentActors, it was only about the 
> capability to deterministically replay all events in the system, which 
> includes the ability to start at a given point. I still have not seen a 
> proposal for how to achieve that without someone having to actually store 
> different cursors for the distributed datastore partitions—unless the store 
> is not partitioned and therefore not *scalable*.
> Regards,
> Roland
> Don't we have a similar problem with the two calls to persist and 
> persistToTopic. They are not to atomic.
> /Patrik
> Regards,
> Roland
> Regards,
> Patrik
> When it comes to providing queries in a way that does not have a global 
> ordering, my current opinion is that we should not do this because it would 
> be quite pointless (a.k.a. unusable). A compromise would be to provide 
> eventually linearizable queries based on the premise that the application 
> of events should be idempotent in any case and overlapping replay (i.e. 
> where necessary from the last known-linear point instead of the requested 
> one) must be tolerated. AFAIK this is the topic of ongoing research, 
> though, so I’d place that lower on the priority list.
> Are you here referring to Casual Consistency? Otherwise, I am not sure I 
> follow. If you refer to Casual Consistency, I agree that this should be 
> lower on the to-support priority list than global ordering, because it is 
> just too hard compared to the needs of most teams that want to use ES/CQRS.
> Does this sound like a fair summary? Please let me know in case I 
> misrepresent or misunderstand something, once we reach consensus on what we 
> need we’ll ticket and solve it, as usual ;-)
> Regards,
> Roland
> 12 aug 2014 kl. 18:10 skrev Ashley Aitken <amai...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks for your post Vaughn.
> On Monday, 11 August 2014 05:57:05 UTC+8, Vaughn Vernon wrote:
> None of this stuff is easy to do, and even harder to do right. 
> I am the first to agree with that.
> Your post gives away the main problem with getting this to work correctly, 
> because Actor Model and akka-persistence currently supports the first half 
> of A, but not the second half. In other words, to make the interface rich 
> we not only need a new set of abstractions, we also need to overcome the 
> direct messaging nature of actors because it can be limiting in some use 
> cases.  
> With the messaging library I am building, currently named Number 9, which 
> includes both persistence and a process manager, this problem is handled as 
> follows. Any actor that sends a message may:
> 1. send a persistent message to another actor
> 2. send a persistent message to a topic
> 3. send a persistent message primarily to another actor, but also to a 
> topic
> That is very interesting.  
> It seems to me that CQRS commands should be sent as messages (persistent 
> or not) - your (1.) and changes of state (AR or application) should be 
> published as events (to topics or more generally) - your (2.) but I can't 
> see a need for (3.)?
> Further, a process manager for a bank account transfer could be 
> implemented with a command to the source account (withdrawForTransfer) that 
> would be acknowledged by a published persistent event 
> (WithdrawnForTransfer).  Similar for deposit into target account.
> Pawel Kaczor in his DDD-Leaven-Akka series (Lesson 3) includes projections 
> from aggregated streams of events and a process manager / saga using Akka 
> Persistence by having the ARs persisting their events and also publishing 
> their events.
>    http://pkaczor.blogspot.com.au/2014/06/reactive-ddd-with-
> akka-projections.html
>    https://github.com/pawelkaczor/ddd-leaven-akka
> The only shortcomings (not his fault or a criticism) seem to be: 1) the 
> use of two event infrastructures (one for persistence and one for pub/sub), 
> 2) the limited ability for complex projections (like Greg mentioned and 
> available in Event Store), and 3) lack of persistence for pub/sub events.
> The latter makes reconstruction of a read model or construction of a new 
> read model after the events have been published more difficult.  
> If you have watched any of my presentations on this subject you have heard 
> this before. I am presenting most of this to the DDD Denver meetup this 
> Monday night. The title of the talk is "Building a Reactive Process 
> Manager, Twice". The twice part is because I will demonstrate this working 
> both in Scala with Akka and also in C# with Dotsero:
> Thank you I will look out for that (please share the video link if it is 
> recorded and put on the Web).  I have seen (but not watched) some of your 
> videos because I am unsure as to who is leading here and the videos I saw 
> seemed to be from a few years ago.  
> I've just got your book so I will get on with reading that (for DDD and 
> CQRS enlightenment).
> -- 
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