You can relatively easily support process managers on top (event store
assures idempotency)

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Gary Malouf <> wrote:

> Greg - if one uses the current Akka Persistence with eventstore as the
> backend, is it possible/what are the challenges in getting safe 'process
> managers' to work as one would expect?  I would think you'd want event
> store feeding a different Akka Persistence processor.
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Ashley Aitken <> wrote:
>> Whilst we are talking about s... process managers I would like to include
>> this simple way of understanding them I found on the web: "Process Managers
>> produce commands and consume events, whereas Aggregate Roots consume
>> commands and produce events."  The truth is a bit more complicated I
>> believe in that Process Managers can also consume commands (e.g. to stop
>> the process).
>> Further, whilst I would like to accept Roland's view that both commands
>> and events can be communicated by sending messages (since, as he suggests,
>> it would make things a lot simpler and lighter on the write side), I am
>> concerned that there are use-cases for process managers that involve them
>> listening for events from ARs they have not sent a command message to.  Can
>> anyone confirm/deny?
>> Thanks,
>> Ashley.
>> On Wednesday, 20 August 2014 23:01:41 UTC+8, Greg Young wrote:
>>> further explanation
>>> workflows-same-t
>>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Greg Young <>
>>> wrote:
>>> I held the same issue with ms pnp
>>> Clarifying the terminology
>>> The term saga is commonly used in discussions of CQRS to refer to a
>>> piece of code that coordinates and routes messages between bounded contexts
>>> and aggregates. However, for the purposes of this guidance we prefer to use
>>> the term process manager to refer to this type of code artifact. There are
>>> two reasons for this:
>>> There is a well-known, pre-existing definition of the term saga that has
>>> a different meaning from the one generally understood in relation to CQRS.
>>> The term process manager is a better description of the role performed by
>>> this type of code artifact.
>>> Although the term saga is often used in the context of the CQRS pattern,
>>> it has a pre-existing definition. We have chosen to use the term process
>>> manager in this guidance to avoid confusion with this pre-existing
>>> definition.
>>> The term saga, in relation to distributed systems, was originally
>>> defined in the paper "Sagas" by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem.
>>> This paper proposes a mechanism that it calls a saga as an alternative to
>>> using a distributed transaction for managing a long-running business
>>> process. The paper recognizes that business processes are often comprised
>>> of multiple steps, each of which involves a transaction, and that overall
>>> consistency can be achieved by grouping these individual transactions into
>>> a distributed transaction. However, in long-running business processes,
>>> using distributed transactions can impact on the performance and
>>> concurrency of the system because of the locks that must be held for the
>>> duration of the distributed transaction.
>>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Roland Kuhn <> wrote:
>>> 20 aug 2014 kl. 16:16 skrev Greg Young <>:
>>> Please stop using the terminology of "saga" and replace usage with
>>> "process manager" what people (largely influenced by nservicebus call a
>>> saga is actually a process manager and a saga is a different pattern). Its
>>> bad enough the .net community does this the last thing we need is for the
>>> akka community to start doing the same :)
>>> Sure, but please do educate us as to the right use of these two words so
>>> we persist the correct definitions in the list archives. My main question
>>> is: what is that other pattern that shall be called a Saga?
>>> Regards,
>>> Roland
>>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 4:16 AM, Roland Kuhn <> wrote:
>>> 19 aug 2014 kl. 18:59 skrev Ashley Aitken <>:
>>> On Tuesday, 19 August 2014 21:14:17 UTC+8, rkuhn wrote:
>>> 18 aug 2014 kl. 18:01 skrev Ashley Aitken <>:
>>> I believe Akka needs to allow actors to:
>>> (i) persist events with as much information as efficiently possible on
>>> the write side to allow the store to facilitate the read side extracting
>>> them according to what criteria is needed,
>>> This is a convoluted way of saying that Events must be self-contained,
>>> right? In that case: check!
>>> No, I don't think so.  As I understand it now, the only thing the event
>>> store knows about each event is the persistenceId and a chunk of opaque
>>> data. It doesn't know the type of the event, the type of the message, any
>>> time information, any causal dependency etc.  I guess what I am saying is
>>> that the events need to include as much metadata as possible so that the
>>> event store can provide the necessary synthetic streams if they are
>>> requested by the read side.  As I mentioned later, some event stores (like
>>> Kafka may replicate the events into separate topics based on this
>>> information), others (like Event Store) may use this information later to
>>> form streams of links to the original events.
>>> The event store has the full event available, which is all the
>>> information there is: gathering or duplicating arbitrary parts of the
>>> information is likely not going to help, because you will discover later
>>> that you missed something initially, and if the mechanism is baked into the
>>> Akka Persistence Journal SPI then fixing it will take a very long time
>>> (until plugins are migrated and your OPS guys allow you to use it etc.). My
>>> recommendation is to use a serialization mechanism that fits the Journal,
>>> allowing it to understand the events and provide semantic features on top.
>>> Both (Journal and serialization) are configured in the same file, so I
>>> submit that coupling them is a valid approach.
>>> On causal consistency: I am still unconvinced that it is worth pursuing,
>>> and I am certain that you are vastly underestimating the amount of data and
>>> effort involved. And it cannot be done without collaboration from the user
>>> since a single inter-Actor message outside of the traced system (i.e. not
>>> using a PersistenceEnvelope of sorts) would hamper or destroy it.
>>> (iii) read from (and replay) streams of events on the read and write
>>> side according to a range of criteria supported and defined within the
>>> store or via the store API (e.g. using a DSL), and
>>> This is the unclear point: who defines the query and when? What are the
>>> consistency guarantees for the generated event stream?
>>> I suggest the developers of the read side specify the queries directly
>>> to the event store but this may be after the events have initially been
>>> persisted.  The event store produces the query stream (if it can) and a
>>> PersistentView can be setup to read from that named query.  With regards to
>>> consistency guarantees - my understanding is that these streams are used to
>>> eventually guarantee that the query model will be consistent with the write
>>> model, i.e. all the events will get across.  With regards to ordering I
>>> think the event store does the best it can to provide consistent ordering,
>>> e.g. total ordering if there was no distribution and causal ordering, where
>>> possible, if there was ordering.  The developer would need to understand
>>> the limitations of how the query store is configured and queried.
>>> As I answered to Greg already, I think that this should not be a core
>>> concern of Akka Persistence; as you note it relies on features provided by
>>> the underlying event store, and those features are not necessary to achieve
>>> the goal of making actors persistent.
>>>  (iv) reliably (at least once) deliver information to other read side
>>> store(s) and systems above and beyond the store used for persisting the
>>> events.
>>> This is PersistentView, so “check!” (As argued previously “reliably”
>>> translates to “persistent”.)
>>> As I asked in another thread (I think) I am not sure how PersistentView
>>> can do this when PersistentActor is the one that can mixin
>>> AtLeastOnceDelivery?
>>> I think we need a PeristentView that can guarantee AtLeastOnceDelivery
>>> to an actor representing a query store.  This would seem to require a
>>> PersistentViewActor ;-) that can read from a persistent query and also
>>> persist its state to provide guaranteed delivery.
>>> My lack of knowledge of Scala and Akka may be showing here.
>>> My current impression is that PersistentView needs to be re-thought:
>>> instead of tying it to a persistenceId like we do now we should just
>>> provide an API for subscribing to named topics in the Journal—be that
>>> persistenceIds of some PersistentActors or synthetic ones. One Actor should
>>> be able to subscribe to any number of them, but the onus will be on it to
>>> keep track of the positions up to which it has consumed from all of them.
>>> This does not preclude the Journal from providing a synthetic topic with
>>> proper linearization for all events in it (or whatever you want to
>>> specifically configure on the storage back-end, outside of  the Journal
>>> SPI). And this also does not invalidate my point that normally the
>>> consumption of Queries should be done directly from the backing store,
>>> making full use of its unique feature set.
>>>  I believe each of these is readily achievable with Akka but:
>>> (i) doesn’t mean explicitly persisting the events to specific topics as
>>> you suggest in your (1) (although this may be how some stores implement the
>>> required functionality on the read side). Instead it means transparently
>>> including information like the actorId, event type, actor type, probably
>>> the time and possibly information to help with causal ordering (see my next
>>> post).
>>> No, again we need to strictly keep Topics and Queries separate, they are
>>> very different features. Topics are defined up-front and explicitly written
>>> to, Queries are constructed later based on the existing event log contents.
>>> Marking events within the store with timestamps of some kind might help
>>> achieving a pseudo-deterministic behavior, but it is by no means a
>>> guarantee. Causal ordering is out of scope, and it also does not help in
>>> achieving the desired ability to replay Queries from some given point in
>>> the past.
>>> I think we do agree somewhere in there but I don't think as was
>>> suggested (by you earlier?) that creating topics up-front whether a fixed
>>> set or arbitrary tags will work.  I feel in what way the store supports the
>>> queries (and how much it can) is up to the store (e.g. creating separate
>>> topics or synthetic topics), so I would argue against using topics for
>>> CQRS.  As I mention below for Pub/Sub to Persistent topics it would be
>>> great, but not for CQRS.
>>> Yes, indeed, topics are interesting but not strictly related to CQRS.
>>>  C. CQRS with Event Sourcing
>>> And finally, there is CQRS with Event Sourcing, which I believe is much
>>> more that (A) and (B) and particularly doesn’t necessarily require (B.) for
>>> all event stores.  So if Akka were to implement (B), which I think would be
>>> very useful for other reasons, it would not specifically be for CQRS.
>>> Please consider this diagram overviewing CQRS with Event Sourcing:
>>> <
>>> architecture.jpg
>>> <>
>>> >
>>> For example, a saga could be waiting for an event indicating funds had
>>> been withdrawn from a bank account after it had issued a command requesting
>>> that be done.  The saga could subscribe to events from the bank account
>>> before issuing the command and watch for a specific event from that time on.
>>> Why would the Sage subscribe to events instead of talking with the
>>> domain entities directly?
>>> I believe it is for loose coupling and to make the process asynchronous
>>> (and event-driven).
>>> Actor messaging already has those qualities, no event store necessary.
>>>  When an AR processes a command it cannot know all the other ARs or
>>> sagas wanting to know when the command has been performed.
>>> It will be the Saga that has sent the Command, so yes, it will know whom
>>> to reply to (unless I misunderstand what a Saga is). Another consideration
>>> is that modeling the replies by the Saga subscribing to the events produced
>>> by various aggregates (in the example linked to below) involves a large
>>> overhead as compared to directly receiving just those events pertaining to
>>> its own commands—this is best done within the target aggregate by simple
>>> sending them with the tell operator after having received the confirmation
>>> from the persistent store.
>>>   Also in an actor-based system to be reliable(?) I would assume sagas
>>> need to read events from a persistent store (or receive messages with
>>> at-least-once-delivery guarantee).
>>> The Saga persist its own progress and retries commands that are not
>>> confirmed within a timeout (or falls back to different strategies or fails
>>> the overall request). This makes it reliable in exactly the right way
>>> without unnecessary overhead.
>>> Please check out the short section on Sagas from the CQRS Journey book:
>>> Particularly Figure 2.
>>> I believe the black filled arrows are events and the white hollow arrows
>>> are commands.  Commands I believe are well suited to actor messages but
>>> events I believe are best suited to persistent publish/subscribe-like
>>> communication (i.e. the journal).  To be honest though, I note that the
>>> text talks about event messages, although it also talks about the event
>>> messages using an event bus, so I am a little unsure.
>>> My understanding is that the Saga sits logically on the top left side of
>>> the first diagram, acting on behalf of and just like the user (and like the
>>> user it should have a memory and be persistent).
>>> My understanding is that sagas sit where the Services are in the diagram
>>> I provided (near [2]), i.e. they issue commands (not labelled as such in
>>> the diagram unfortunately but what else could they be?) and listen for
>>> events on the write side (as labelled).
>>> <
>>> architecture.jpg
>>> <>
>>> >
>>> Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
>>> I don’t know about being wrong, I’m just making up my mind based on what
>>> I find useful, and if my conclusions are wrong I trust people will tell me
>>> so eventually ;-)
>>>  This is the dashed area labelled [3] in the diagram.
>>> Akka seems to distribute the event store used for persistence of ARs [1]
>>> on the write side to the read side, which is an interesting idea.  But I
>>> don’t believe this is enough for CQRS.  One event store cannot provide all
>>> the required read models.
>>> This is probably where all (our) misunderstanding originates:
>>> PersistentView is a very particular thing and it turns out that it does not
>>> actually match up with the Q in CQRS. Perhaps we should indeed just remove
>>> it and add a facility which lets Actors query the Journal instead (in case
>>> you want to roll your own read model adapter).
>>> PersistentViews tied to one PersistentActor we know are too limited.
>>>  However, I think PersistentViews tied to named query streams (specified to
>>> the journal) would be useful (if they could guaranteed at least once
>>> delivery to an actor representing a query store).
>>> If we change the View feature in the way I suggested above then we have
>>> all the pieces already, AtLeastOnceDelivery or persist() could be used to
>>> reliably write projections into another store where needed.
>>> Thank you for your patience reading through all of this text.
>>> Thank you for this discussion, it is very useful and enjoyable!
>>> Regards,
>>> Roland
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ashley.
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