I have recently ported some of my code to leverage akka framework and I 
randomly come across errors where I think actor constructor is not 
initialized completed. 

I have this ActorFactory class which spins of supervisor actor, and in each 
supervisor actor constructor i have code to spawn child actor as described 

class ActorFactory(factorybuilder:IFactoryBuilder) extends IActorFactory{

    createActor[ConfigSupervisor](Props(new ConfigSupervisor(this)))


class DAOChiefSupervisor(factory:IActorFactory,daofactory:IDAOFactory) 
extends BaseSupervisor
  val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass())    
  //Code to spin off child actor 
  val dao = factory.createChild[DAOSupervisor](this, Props(new 

trait IActorFactory {

  val system = ActorSystem()
  var actorMaps= TrieMap[String,IActorURI]()
  val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass())
  def createActor[A:TypeTag](instance:Props)  : IActorURI = 
      val name = getName[A]
  val newactor = ActorURI(system.actorOf(instance,name))
  actorMaps += (name -> newactor)
  log.info("Creating Actor " +name)

  def createChild[A:TypeTag](parent:Actor, instance:Props) :IActorURI = 
val name = getName[A]
val newactor = ActorURI(parent.context.actorOf(instance,name))
    actorMaps += (name -> newactor)
    log.info("Creating Child Actor " +name)
  def getActor[A:TypeTag]() = 
val name = getName[A]
    val actor = actorMaps.get(name)
    actor match 
  case None => log.error(f"Actor $name not found")
  case _ =>

So what I am seeing is when I try to access DAOSupervisor from different 
lines of code it gives me error message saying Actor not found, so it looks 
like Actor constructor is not fully initialized when i get reference back. 

Thanks in advance for your help. 

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