Hi Andrzej,

On 26.08.14 09:15, Andrzej Dębski wrote:

Lately I have been reading about a possibility of using Apache Kafka as journal/snapshot store for akka-persistence.

I am aware of the plugin created by Martin Krasser: https://github.com/krasserm/akka-persistence-kafka/ and also I read other topic about Kafka as journal https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/akka-user/kakfka/akka-user/iIHmvC6bVrI/zeZJtW0_6FwJ.

In both sources I linked two ideas were presented:

1. Set log retention to 7 days, take snapshots every 3 days (example values)
2. Set log retention to unlimited.

Here is the first question: in first case wouldn't it mean that persistent views would receive skewed view of the PersistentActor state (only events from 7 days) - is it really viable solution? As far as I know PersistentView can only receive events - it can't receive snapshots from corresponding PersistentActor (which is good in general case).

PersistentViews can create their own snapshots which are isolated from the corresponding PersistentActor's snapshots.

Second question (more directed to Martin): in the thread I linked you wrote:

     I don't go into Kafka partitioning details here but it is
    possible to implement the journal driver in a way that both a
    single persistent actor's data are partitioned *and* kept in order

I am very interested in this idea. AFAIK it is not yet implemented in current plugin but I was wondering if you could share high level idea how would you achieve that (one persistent actor, multiple partitions, ordering ensured)?

The idea is to

- first write events 1 to n to partition 1
- then write events n+1 to 2n to partition 2
- then write events 2n+1 to 3n to partition 3
- ... and so on

This works because a PersistentActor is the only writer to a partitioned journal topic. During replay, you first replay partition 1, then partition 2 and so on. This should be rather easy to implement in the Kafka journal, just didn't have time so far; pull requests are welcome :) Btw, the Cassandra journal <https://github.com/krasserm/akka-persistence-cassandra> follows the very same strategy for scaling with data volume (by using different partition keys).


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Martin Krasser

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